easy stomach exercises

Easy Stomach Exercises

Fighting stomach flab with easy-to-do stomach exercises is, indeed, possible. But remember that you have to be consistent with the exercise routine. Scroll down to know which are the exercises you can include in the workout.

The stomach is one of the difficult areas to shed that extra flab. If you want to have six-pack abs, there are some steps which you will have to take. There are some simple stomach exercises, which are a must. Without exercises, you will not be able to achieve washboard abs. Often, people feel that doing some exercises will help in reducing the stomach flab, and they continue eating all that they can lay their hands on. This is exactly where people go wrong. To lose stomach flab, it is important you keep a tab on all that goes into your mouth. A healthy diet has to become a way of life for you. In this article, we will concentrate on the easy yet best stomach exercises. Easy Workouts for the Stomach When you are doing the exercises at home, make sure you have the correct alignment. Proper alignment will give you an effective workout and also reduce the chances of injury. While doing these exercises, if you feel any sort of pain or cramps, stop doing the exercises immediately. If you continue to do the exercise, it can aggravate the condition. Leg Lifts For most people, the lower stomach is the problem area. Hence, we will start with the lower stomach exercise before we do the ones for the upper stomach. Lie down on your back and place your hands next to your buttocks. Keep your back straight and lift both your legs off the floor, till they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold for a few seconds, and then lower your legs till they are about 6 inches off the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds, and lift up the legs again. Do not touch the legs to the floor, till you finish 10 to 12 counts of the exercise. Reverse Curl This is a great exercise to attain a flat tummy. Lie flat on your back and place your hands next to your buttocks. Bend your legs at the knee, and lift your legs off the floor, such that knees are placed exactly above your hips. Gradually, draw your abdominal muscles towards your spine, and lift your hips off the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly come back to the starting position, and repeat the abdominal exercise another 12 times. Oblique Crunches If love handles is the problematic area for you, then you should include this exercise in your workout. You can do this exercise at home easily. This exercise especially helps after a pregnancy. Lie with your back on the floor, and place your feet on the floor. Place the ankle of the right leg on the left knee. Interlace your fingers, and place them behind your head. Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor, twist to the right, and try to touch the left elbow to the right knee. Come back to the starting position, and repeat the exercise on this side about 10 to 12 times before you change sides. Repeat this exercise on the other side as well. Vertical Crunches This is a great exercise for women at home. Lie with your back on the floor. Interlace your fingers and place them behind your head so that your neck is well-supported. Lift your legs off the floor, extend them up in the air, and cross them at the ankles. Gradually, lift your shoulders off the floor, and try to touch your forehead to your knees. Hold, slowly release, and repeat the exercise. Belly Tuck If you are looking for exercises that can be done at your desk, then this is an appropriate one. You can do this stomach exercise anywhere. Stand or sit erect. Contract your abdominal muscles so that the abdominal muscles are pulled towards the spine. Hold the legs contracted for a few seconds. Release and repeat the exercise as many times as you can in the entire day. You can also do this exercise, even when you are driving to work. Most of the stomach exercises mentioned in this article can also be practiced by kids. However, care should be taken that the kids are monitored when they are doing the exercise so that they have the right posture. You can also do these exercises using weights as well. You can either make use of dumbbell weights or plate weights.

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