duodenal ulcers

Duodenal Ulcers

Ulcers affecting the duodenum, the upper part of small intestine, are called duodenal ulcers. Read this article to know more about their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

An ulcer is defined as the sores or boils on the skin. Medically it is the cut on the mucous membrane, which is defined as a thin issue that lies on the inner surface of the skin openings. The healing process is very time-consuming. The digestive part of the human body is mostly affected by the ulcers. Depending upon the area affected, they are called gastric ulcers, peptic ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. Explanation A duodenum is called the lining in the upper part of the small intestine, just below the stomach. Ulcers can affect the stomach, duodenum, gullet, or throat. The stomach acid and digestive juices eat away the linings of the stomach. H. pylori bacteria, anti-inflammatory medicines, and cigarettes are some of the main causes. This disease is hereditary in nature. It has been found out that in the case of men of over 50 years of age, the chances of occurrences are four times greater than the women of the same age group. It can be diagnosed by means of barium X-ray or endoscope treatment. The complications may lead to bleeding, perforation, and gastric obstruction. Symptoms They occur in the form of heartburn, stomach pain, weight gain, and a burning sensation at the back of the throat. Normally it occurs two or three hours after meals. In most of the cases, it can cause pain to the patient at midnight, and it persists for two to three hours. Apart from this, the followings are the less common symptoms. Belching It consists of releasing of gas from the stomach through the mouth making a loud noise in the throat. The outgoing gases create a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Nausea It is the unsettling feeling in the stomach that creates an urge to vomit. Vomiting It is the process of emptying the stomach content through the mouth. Normally vomiting occurs when the person has digestive problems. Poor appetite It is the absence of desire for food, and It is major symptom for identifying the illness. Loss of weight It relates to the decrease in the body weight in spite of standard diet. People afflicted undergo weight loss because of poor appetite. Feeling tired and weak This is basically called becoming worn out. poor appetite leads to insufficient intake of food, which is not digested because of its presence. Treatment The doctors seriously analyze the symptoms before prescribing any medicine. In addition to this, the patient's medical history is also carefully verified before actually starting the treatment. In GI x-ray tests, the patient is asked to swallow liquid barium to identify the ulcer on X-rays. Endoscopy is the one common treatment options, which is resorted for ulcer related problems. In this type of treatment, the upper digestive tract is verified. Biopsy is another form of treatment, in which one piece of tissue is removed during the process of Endoscopy, and is tested by sending it to the laboratory. The treatment includes administration of antibiotics to kill the H. Pylori bacteria, use of antacids for laying a protective barrier over the site of ulcer, and reducing the generation of acid inside the stomach. In rare cases of ulcer resulting in hemorrhage and obstruction, surgery may be needed for treatment. The recurrence of this ailment can be avoided only if the affected person cooperates by not consuming alcohol, by non-smoking tobacco products, and avoiding taking inflammatory medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen for other treatments. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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