dizzy spells and headaches

Dizzy Spells and Headaches

Dizzy spells and headache are often a result of following unhealthy lifestyles. Lack of sleep, anxiety, and stress can cause dizziness and headache.

Did You Know?
People suffering from migraines often complain about pain that affects one side of the head and is usually followed by recurring episodes of dizzy spells.
People who have dizzy spells often feel that they are about to lose consciousness. This is the most common dizzy spells symptom, that is many times accompanied by a headache. For some, dizzy spells mean vertigo, a mental state where in the surrounding objects appear to move in a circular fashion. When dizzy spells and headache occur simultaneously, it can mean the onset of a medical problem. Causes Injury: A head injury due to an accident and that intervenes with the signals directed to the brain, can also cause vertigo and headache. Poor Sleep: Occasional dizzy spells and headaches can also be the result of insufficient sleep. Today's hectic lifestyle demands more work and less sleep. Long working hours and improper sleeping habits can make a person weak and have dizzy spells. Low Blood Pressure: When blood pressure drops below normal levels, one is likely to experience dizziness, headache and the person may even become unconscious. Inadequate Water Intake: Dehydration has also been linked to dizzy spells. Undue exposure to heat can cause dehydration, which eventually may lead to dizziness and headache. Overuse of Medicines: Dizzy spells and headaches may also occur as a side effect of certain medications. Abuse of certain medicines is known to trigger dizzy spells. Poor Blood Circulation: Dizzy spells can also occur when there is a sudden slow down in supply of blood to important organs of the body, such as the heart or the brain. When the normal flow of blood to these organs gets disrupted, the person may also lose consciousness. Stress: In today's lifestyle, where one has to juggle personal and professional commitments, handle a 'million' chores and meet unrealistic deadlines, it is normal to get stressed up. No wonder, we experience headache and dizzy spells coming home after a hard day's work. Treatment These spells of dizziness and headaches usually do not require any treatment. However, frequent episodes of dizziness and headaches is a sign of worry, and visiting the doctor is a must. The doctor may advise certain restrictions in physical activities. Walking or standing for longer periods of time is certainly not recommended for such people. Treatment is discussed below:
  • Treating the underlying cause can help to stop dizzy spells. Dizziness, being the most common symptom of lower blood pressure, taking the necessary medicines for raising blood pressure may help in this regard.
  • The doctor may also prescribe certain medicines to relieve symptoms of vertigo and ease the nausea.
  • Alternative treatment includes use of ginko. Basically, ginko is a herb that can significantly reduce this problem. Dizziness and headache that occur due to poor blood circulation can always be treated with ginko. This herb can lessen bouts of dizzy spells by improving flow of blood to different organs of the body. Intake of ginger can assist to decrease nausea associated with dizzy spells. Acupressure therapy is also useful to treat this problem.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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