dental care tips for kids

Dental Care Tips for Kids

Getting kids to brush their teeth is the toughest task for a parent. By the time kids learn to brush on their own, they lose their patience for it and begin procrastinating. It is not only important to make them brush, but also to supervise the activity to ensure their teeth are clean.

Tooth decay and painful cavities are commonly seen amongst kids. Most of the preschoolers get their milk teeth filled with dental cement to close cavities and prevent further decay. The lack of awareness about oral hygiene is the primary reason for deteriorating oral health and the rising cost of dental bills. Laying down strict rules about dental care for your kids will go a long way in ensuring stronger teeth and gums in the future. Proper brushing, regular flossing and timely visits to the dentist are all that it takes to maintain your oral health. Dental Care Tips and Tricks for Kids Right Toothbrush For as long as possible, stick to using baby toothbrush. It is extremely soft on the gums and focuses on small areas, thus cleaning them properly. A baby toothbrush protects tender gums, massages them and its easygoing bristles seem encouraging. Additionally, the cartoon characters and the fancy accessories that come along with the toothbrush will keep your child engaged in the activity for a while. Brushing Explaining the importance of brushing teeth is one way of coaxing your child into good oral habits. Narrating fictional stories about tooth decay, role play and giving an incentive for proper brushing are a few more tips, which would promise to get your child into a regular and a proper brushing regime. It is crucial that your child learns to brush slowly and in circular motions. Brushing vigorously can lead to receding gums and weak teeth over a period of time. Tasty Toothpaste The first thing kids do when they learn to brush their teeth is taste the toothpaste. Some toothpastes may seem a little spicy, while a few may seem extremely powdery. Don't let the taste of the toothpaste be a deterrent for brushing teeth. There is a range of toothpastes for kids available at most of the supermarkets. Go toothpaste shopping with your child and let him/her pick his/her favorite flavors. Ice cream, chocolate and bubble gum are some of the favorite flavors amongst kids. A tasty toothpaste is an excellent motivating tool to make your child follow important oral care habits. Fuss Over Flossing The habit of regular flossing is the most difficult one to get into. Children not only take time to learn the technique, but also often complain about floss hurting the gums. Child-friendly floss meant for tender gums and small teeth is easy to use and does not hurt the gums. Till your child turns 9, you will have to supervise flossing. Mindless flossing races with your child to see who finishes flossing first, is a great motivational tip. Timely visits to the dentist will help you understand whether your child is regularly flossing or shamming the task. Prevention is always better than cure. Taking precautionary measures such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing every day, rinsing your mouth after every meal, using a mouthwash and avoiding excess of sugar are few more preventive dental care tips for children. These tips will definitely help your child understand the importance of maintaining oral hygiene. Learning the necessity of maintaining healthy teeth at a young age, can reap huge benefits in the future.

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