dating during divorce

Dating During a Divorce

Though you may want to enter the dating world soon after you take the decision of separation, it can have lot of emotional repercussions. This article will give you some information on whether dating during separation or divorce is a good idea or not.

The time after separation from one's spouse can be difficult as one has to undergo various emotional as well as psychological issues. In such a time, many people think that having the support of a loving person can help them in coping with the emotions that they are going through. With this in mind, many individuals decide to enter the dating world. However, while doing this, they do not know the repercussions of such an action. Though there is nothing illegal about dating while separating from one's spouse, it is a thing that is looked down upon in most countries. Hence, before you start dating after breaking up with your spouse, it is important for you to know if it is advisable. Is Dating During Separation Good? In some countries, you are considered to be married till all the legal divorce proceedings are complete. In such cases, dating during separation prior to divorce can be considered as adultery or infidelity and can cause you certain complications during the divorce process. Hence, lawyers advise their clients to stay away from dating while they are getting divorced. Though all divorces are not the same, dating while the divorce process is going on can give rise to various problems. Problems from Your Spouse Many times, when a person starts dating during the divorce process, it is not taken lightly by the spouse. Even though the person had been a faithful husband or wife during their marriage, having an affair when they have not legally divorced can be considered by the spouse as cheating. The thought that you have moved on easily can cause anger in the spouse and he/she may decide to take revenge during the divorce process. In such a case, the divorce which could have ended amicably may become difficult, expensive, as well as bitter. Your spouse may decide to punish you by fighting for full custody of the children and by refusing to pay you any kind of support or alimony. Moreover, your current date may also be pushed into the divorce proceedings by your spouse, which may sever your relationship with him/her. Problems with your Children It is said that it is best to avoid dating during legal separation if you have children. This is because children may not be ready to accept a new person in your life, especially when your divorce with their father/mother is not fully complete. Beginning a new relationship during the dating process can alienate your children from you which can damage your relationship with them in an irreparable manner. Also, seeing you with another person can make them sympathize with their other parent which may cost you loss of their custody. Legal Problems Along with the problems with your spouse and children, dating can lead you to various legal problems too. Most times, judges do not think very highly of people who indulge in dating before they are legally divorced from their spouses. This attitude can go against you, while deciding things like child custody, child or spousal support, property division, etc. In cases where one of the parents have been dating while the divorce process is going on, it is likely for them to lose the custody of the children. This is because such parents are considered to be selfish who do not think about their children's interests. Also, as I said earlier, most children will not be very interested in staying with the parent who is having another person in his/her life before getting legally separated. Moreover, if a person decides to move in with their current date or partner, this can have a negative effect on child as well as spousal support drastically. This is because, if you are living with your partner, you are likely to share your expenses with him/her and hence, the spouse may refuse to give any kind of spousal or child support to you. This can also affect the judge while making decisions regarding property division. Looking at the above factors, it can be said that dating during this period is not a very good idea. Moreover, it can cause various emotional problems as many times, people start dating during the divorce process just to avoid the emotions that they have to face during this time and later realize that their decision was not right. Hence, the best thing one can do is to avoid getting into a romantic relationship until one is legally separated from one's husband or wife to avoid any kind of legal as well as emotional complications.

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