copywriter salary range

Copywriter Salary Range

Copywriters, also known as content writers or simply writers, develop content for a website, newspaper, or any organization that needs content to market their products and services. Earnings of these professionals depend on various factors, and they vary according to industries and the place of work.

As curious users of the Internet and responsible consumers, we are always in search of content, which would give us detailed insight into everything that we've been looking for. And if it's presented in an attractive manner, then reading becomes an enjoyable experience. In simple terms, copywriting can be defined as use of words to develop content and advertise or inform the masses about a person, an event, or a product. The people doing this job are termed as copywriters. In some organizations, they are also referred to as writers or reporters. They generate original content, which cannot be found elsewhere. This is not an easy job, and in fact, it requires a lot of thinking and creativity to develop some original content. This is the reason these professionals are in great demand in large multinationals, websites, advertising agencies, public relations firms, etc. We take a look at their salary range, job description, and educational requirements.
Salary Range
It is the education, experience, location, and most importantly, the performance that matter the most when it comes to the earnings made by these professionals. According to the May 2014 figures of, the average salary of these professionals is USD 43,328, and their salary range is USD 28,625 - USD 70,181.
Job Description
Copywriters develop original and informative content, but apart from this, there are some more duties associated with their job. Some of them are mentioned below.
  • Writing advertisements, information for newspapers, websites, television, radio, company brochures, etc.
  • Preparing information according to the client's needs and demands.
  • Drafting annual reports, speeches, promotional material, etc.
  • Studying, picking out, and highlighting the focus points of information.
  • Coordinating with the higher management and the client to finalize the theme and formatting pattern.
  • Assisting other personnel from the creative department to prepare catchy slogans for products and to make creative ads to attract public attention.
  • Coming up with new ideas and innovative techniques of enhancing the content.
  • Modifying the content, whenever necessary and as per the client's requirements.
  • Keeping tabs on latest trends and techniques in the industry, so as to stay ahead in the competition.
  • Meeting deadlines set by the customer and higher management.
  • Proofreading the entire content for grammar, spelling mistakes, and formatting errors.
  • Getting an overview of the production procedure to ensure everything is done according to the company procedures and customer guidelines.
Educational Requirements
Copywriting is a creative field and is all about applying your imagination to generate the best idea. To succeed, a person needs to be innovative, fluent in the language, and should possess excellent communication skills. In addition, s/he should have an understanding of the clients' needs and demands, an eye for detail, and above all, an ability to work under stringent deadlines. Any graduation degree is the minimum requirement to enter this field, but a degree, diploma, or an advanced diploma in journalism is an added advantage. Courses in creative writing, business administration, marketing, etc., would contribute to your assets and preference among the employers. Remember, career opportunities in this field are enormous, and your salary would definitely increase with years of experience. However, to achieve a higher salary range, a fresher needs to create a strong foundation by focusing on creativity, writing skills, and performance.

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