constant headaches everyday

Constant Headaches Everyday

Eye strain, muscular tension, stress, high blood pressure, sinusitis, etc., are some of the common contributing factors for headaches. Headaches that are caused due to an injury or an underlying medical condition are called secondary headaches. Medical assistance must be sought by those who experience constant headaches everyday.

Headaches are medically referred to as cephalalgia. Most of us have experienced a headache at some time in our lives. However, some people experience headaches that are debilitating in nature. Problems can arise if one experiences them all the time. Headaches are classified into three types: primary headaches; secondary headaches; and cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches. Primary headaches include tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraine. Secondary headaches are caused due to an underlying condition. If an individual experiences headaches for at least 15 days in a month (for at least three months), then he/she is diagnosed with chronic daily headaches (CDH). When a person who does not have a history of frequent headaches experiences a headache that persists on a daily basis for more than 3 months, he/she is diagnosed with a new persistent daily headache (NDPH). The symptoms are similar to the ones experienced during chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache. In order to formulate a diagnosis, it is essential to rule out secondary causes.
Contributing Factors
A headache is a pain that is experienced anywhere in the neck or any part of the head. The pain may be either mild or severe. The pain could be constant or intermittent. It could affect the entire head or be restricted to one side. There are many different types of headaches. Experiencing constant headaches on a daily basis can have an adverse effect on the quality of life of an individual. Hence, it is essential to ascertain the type of headache, and get it treated at the earliest. The following sections provide information on causes and types of headaches. Tension Headaches Contraction of muscles in the head and the neck due to stress, eye strain, poor posture, and alcohol abuse are some of the contributing factors. In women, this type of headache usually precedes the menstrual cycle. At times, stress could result in constant headaches and fatigue. These headaches could be treated with the help of drugs and relaxation techniques. However, if symptoms such as fever, convulsions, and loss of feeling in limbs accompany these headaches, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Migraine Migraines are characterized by pain on one side of the head. They could be caused due to weather changes, excessive smoking, and consumption of certain food items. The symptoms include vomiting and nausea, which are followed by severe pain in one side of the head. Drug therapy can prove beneficial. It must be noted that migraine cannot be cured. Cluster Headaches A cluster headache is a type of headache that recurs over a period of time. Affected individuals might experience them up to three times in a day during the cluster period. The duration of cluster period could range from two weeks to three months. The episodes might occur at the same time every year. The episodes that occur at night tend to be more severe than the ones that occur during the day. Abnormal activity has been observed in the hypothalamus during brain scans of individuals who are experiencing cluster headaches at the time of the scan. The hypothalamus is responsible for the body's biologic clock. Smoking and consumption of alcohol can trigger these headaches. Sinus Headaches The term 'sinuses' refers to air-filled spaces that are present in the bones of the skull. The inflammation of the sinuses is medically referred to as sinusitis. Allergies, bacterial infections, or viral infections could be the contributing factors for sinusitis. People affected by sinus headaches experience pain in the cheeks, above the eyes, or behind the eyes. A feeling of pressure is experienced in these areas. In case of individuals affected by chronic sinusitis, the symptoms last longer. These headaches can be treated with the help of prescribed medications. Steam inhalation could also prove beneficial.
Associated Symptoms and Remedies
Physical and emotional stress, muscle tension, infections, exposure to allergens, etc., are some of the reasons behind the development of headaches. Depending on the type of headache, the affected individual could experience symptoms such as pain in the eyes, dizziness, lightheadedness, photosensitivity, etc. At times, exhaustion and hunger can also trigger mild headaches. Usually, the oral administration of over-the-counter drugs could help provide relief. If these drugs don't work, it is advisable to consult a doctor for proper treatment. Medical assistance must be sought at the earliest, if one experiences the following symptoms: Altered speech Changes in the vision Weakness Difficulty in speech Fever and vomiting The following methods might help provide relief: Deep breathing or other breathing exercises Relaxation techniques (Yoga and meditation) Heat therapy Massage therapy Balanced diet Acupressure and acupuncture Good posture More often than not, headaches can be treated with the help of analgesics. However, consult your healthcare provider, if severe pain persists. Following a balanced diet and exercise regimen will also help strengthen the immune system. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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