common latin terms still used in modern english

Common Latin Terms Still Used in Modern English

Latin is one of the ancient Italic languages, which is no longer spoken primarily by any country. However, you will find bits and pieces of this language in modern English. So, while you needn't learn to read and write Latin, it's always good to know the common Latin terms still used.

Did You Know? According to a survey published in Ordered Profusion by Dieter Wolff and Thomas Finkenstaedt, 29% of the modern English words are derived from Latin.
Genealogically if we see, there is no such close relation between English and Latin. Many of us have the misconception of English descending from either Latin or Greek. However, this is not the truth; to an extent, English has been quite influenced by Latin. In the period of 43 A.D., the Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain and culminated with the Norman Conquest. During this time, many of the Latin words and phrases entered English language, some directly and some through French. Although, Latin is no longer spoken as a primary language in any country, some part of it still exists in our daily speaking and writing. You will find many scholars, students, and Roman Catholic clergies using this language fluently.
Some Common Latin Terms
Check out the list provided below, and you will come across half the words that you already use in your daily conversation, not knowing that they are of Latin origin. And if you don't know the following terms, then you can start using it to improve your lexicon.
Latin Terms In Literal English
ab extra from outside
ab ovo from the beginning
ad hoc for the specific purpose
ad hominem to the man, to the person
ad infinitum to infinity, forevermore
ad nauseam to [the point of] nausea
affidavit he has declared upon oath
alma mater bountiful mother
alter ego the other I
bona fide in good faith
carpe diem seize the day
caveat emptor let the customer beware
ceteris paribus other things being equal
circa about, around
cogito, ergo sum I think, therefore I am
compos mentis in control of the mind
curriculum vitae course of (one's) life
de jure according to law, concerning law
Dei gratia by the grace of God
de facto from the fact
de novo anew
ergo therefore
erratum mistake, error
et alii and others
ex cathedra from the seat
et cetera and so on, and so forth
exempli gratia for the sake of an example
ex gratia from kindness
ex libris from the books, from the library of
habeas corpus that you have the body
homo sapiens wise men
in absentia in absence
in actu in act
id est that is (to say)
infra below, beneath
in memoriam in memory
inter alia among other things
in situ in place
in toto in total, completely
in vino veritas in wine there is the truth
in vitro in glass
in vivo within the living
ipso facto by the fact itself
magnum opus great work
mea culpa my fault, my mistake
mens rea guilty mind
modus operandi mode of working
nota bene note well, note carefully
pari passu with an equal step, on equal footing
per for each
per annum for each year
per capita by heads, for each head
per centum for each one hundred
per diem per day, for each day
per se in itself, by itself
persona non grata an unwelcome person
prima facie on the first appearance
pro bono for the public good
pro forma as a matter of form
pro rata proportionally
postmortem after death
quasi with some resemblance
quid pro quo this for that
requiescat in pace rest in peace
rigor mortis stiffness of death
sine qua non without which [it could] not
status quo the state in which
subpoena under penalty, under punishment
sui generis of its own kind
tabula rasa clean slate, blank slate
veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered
verbatim word for word, in exactly the same words
versus against
vice versa the other way round
Learning and speaking Latin fluently may not be necessary, but knowing some of these terms will help you in improving your language and comprehension skills.

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