color schemes for small bathrooms

Color Schemes for Small Bathrooms

Well-chosen color schemes for a small bathroom can make it look as attractive as a large one. A small bathroom can be made to look spacious if the colors of the tiles or walls are thought of in advance and expertly coordinated. Let us look at some tips on how to make a tiny bathroom look larger.

Bathing has become a source of relaxation to calm one's mind and body after a grueling day at work. That is why, while interior decorating, a lot of stress is laid on bathroom décor, as well. When it comes to designing a bathroom, one can experiment with creativity if the space is large enough. However, designing and painting a small bathroom is always a problem. If the paint or design choice is a little over the top, a small bathroom can start looking cramped. Thus, it is important to pay a lot of attention when selecting a paint palette. Light Colors It is known that dark colors can make any space look small, while lighter ones can give the illusion of a much larger space. So, when selecting paint colors for a small bathroom, go for light, pastel, or neutral shades. Pink, light blue, warm green, gray, beige, lavender, and lilac, are some colors that can safely be used. These colors will give a bathroom a very airy, relaxed, and calm feel, thus enhancing your bathing experience. Sans White When choosing colors, avoid white. While white is supposed to be a classic color, it can make walls look bare. Since you want your bathroom to look as pleasing and attractive as any other room in your house, this is one of those colors that should be avoided. Receding Ceiling If you want to make a bathroom space look bigger, you can paint the ceiling in a reflective color, such as sky blue. Light blue gives the illusion of the sky and thus, the ceiling looks more receded than it actually is. Another idea is to paint clouds in white or gray on the ceiling. This helps in lending more space. Complementary Accessories For small spaces, accessories such as towels, curtains, dustbins, and soap dispensers, should complement the paint palette. Too much of a contrast can make these accessories stand out, making the bathroom look congested. The same goes for tile colors, as well. Ideally, the tiles should be of the same color as the wall paint. This way, the division between them will be blurred or not so obvious, giving your bathroom a large, spacious feel. You can also create a layering effect in the bathroom by using different hues of the same color for the accessories, tiles, and wall paint. Decor Ideas Other useful ideas that you can use are:
  • Hanging a large mirror on one of the walls so that it reflects light in the bathroom.
  • Installing sliding doors instead of a regular one, so that there is no additional space required for a door that swings open.
  • Having a pedestal sink instead of a regular countertop sink.
  • Doing away with bathroom accessories that are unnecessary and create clutter.

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