christian christmas party games

Christian Christmas Party Games

Having a Christmas party at a church and need some Christian Christmas party games for the occasion? Read the following article for some fun games and activities.

You're thinking of hosting a small get together for a few people at your church during Christmas and you need some party games for the same. No problem there. Cause in this following article we will be providing you with some of the best Christmas party games. It'll be really fun to have the group interact outside the church setting and get to know each other even more. Go through the following and see if you like any of the following. Party Games for Adults Karaoke Night You probably already have a choir at your church. Then this one will be even more fun. Download a karaoke software and some hymns, Christmas songs and carols as well. Hold an original Christmas karaoke competition. Get all the guests to sing something that is related to Christmas (pick one from the choices mentioned above) with the help of a karaoke set up. Choose random judges and get them to judge the people who sing. At the end of the eve, announce a winner. Balloon Game Here's a fun game that you can use for some great fun. You'll need to divide people into groups of three. Each team gets a bucket which has balloons in it, which need to be blown. They also have a guy who's wearing a Santa suit. A stipulated time is given, say 5 minutes for each team. When the whistle goes, one person starts blowing the balloons and tying them. After each balloon has been tied, he passes it on to the second person who is blindfolded. This person has to find the third person in their group and stuff the balloon in his belly. The Santa cannot help the person. If the balloon falls while transferring, it cannot be used. At the end of 5 minutes, the team who has the most balloons in the Santa's tummy, wins. One can also have another prize for the fattest Santa there. Shave that Balloon Divide the guests into teams of two. Each team is given a bucket that is filled with fully-blown balloons that have been covered in shaving cream. Along with that they have been given a butter knife and an empty bucket. At the blow of the whistle, the participants have to start 'shaving' the balloons with the knife and get them as clean as possible, then transfer them into the empty bucket. They are given a calculated time for the same. When that is over, the whistle is blown and they need to stop. The team that has the cleanest and most number of balloons, wins. Party Games for Kids Post-it When each kid enters the party, a post-it is stuck on his back or forehead which has the name of a character from the Bible on it. As the games begins, each kid comes forward and he gets to ask 10 questions to guess who the person is and the group gets to answer only in a 'yes' or 'no'. Have each kid take their turn at this. The kid(s) that guess fastest, win. Settle a Group Have the kids form a circle and move about in a circle at the beat of the music. When the music stops, the announcer has to say a number. The kids have to form a group of that number, whoever cannot form that group, is out. This goes on till only one group remains and they are declared the winner. Scavenger Hunt The perfect game for groups is a scavenger hunt game. Plant candy canes all over the house and then set the kids out to search for them. The kid with the most canes wins. These were some of the Christian Christmas party games for kids and adults that you can include in your party. These are nothing but fun and bring out the spirit of Christmas like no other. Just have these at your party and you'll see what I mean.

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