chardonnay calories in chardonnay

Calories in Chardonnay

Wondering, how many chardonnay calories are present in one serving? A serving of 4 fluid ounces of chardonnay contain around 90 calories. Read this Buzzle article to know more.

Wines make every meal special; many poultry and seafood dishes are served with wine. White wines like chardonnay are served with creamy, gray, and dishes made using cheese and shellfish besides other seafood recipes. For lite recipes of chicken or fish, white wines like Sauvignon Blanc are mostly used. For moderate to heavy foods, red wine like Pinot Noir is a good choice. For pastas and pizzas red wines like Zinfandel are used. Many people just enjoy drinking a glass of wine any time of the day. Even though wines make every meal, a special occasion, health experts say that it is best to drink wines in moderation. Chardonnay calories are lesser, compared to red wines as it is a white wine. Given below, is info on calorie content in different wines, and tips on selecting wines and drinking them in a healthy way.
How Many Calories are in Wines?
All wines have their own unique taste, smell, and color. As already mentioned above, a certain wine is served with a specific food recipe. However, if you enjoy drinking a glass of wine every now and then, it is better to go with a light dry white. Here, are some popular red and white wines and their calories, for a serving of 4 fl oz.
Sauvignon Blanc - 95
Zinfandel, white - 80
Liebfraumilch - 85
Chablis - 85
Zinfandel, red - 90
Cabernet Sauvignon - 100
Boreaux, red - 95
Merlot - 101
Champagne, dry - 105
Sangria - 115
Sauterne - 115
Port, ruby - 185
Port, white - 170
Which is Low in Calories - Red or White Wine?
Generally, wines contain around 15% of alcohol content by volume, so the stronger the wine is, the more amount of alcohol it contains and thus a lot of calories. As a comparison, alcohol contains 7 calories per gram and 9 calories per gram of fat, which means alcohol contains nearly the same amount of calories as fat. Hence, if you are on a weight loss program, it is good to stop the consumption of alcohol, till your weight loss goal is achieved. However, if you are calorie conscious, then stick to wines which are low in calories like Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel, and Chablis. As you can see many dry white wines are low in calories as they are not sweet, while red wines like port are high in calories.
Health Benefits
Chardonnay white wine is a crispy clear wine which can be served with seafood, pork, or other chicken recipes. It is also the best dry white wine for cooking gravy, that is rich and creamy. Though, it is a little expensive it still remains one of the most selling and celebrated dry white wine. Compared to white wines, red wines are more healthy for maintaining your cardiovascular health, as red wines contain higher levels of a phytochemical called resveratrol which has been associated with cardiovascular health benefits. However, compared to the amount of calories to most red wine calories, the calories of this dry white wine is quite low. Even though the nutritional value of chardonnay is less compared to red wines. The amount of calories in this wine are low, because the nutrition facts show that it contains no fat and sodium, but only few grams of carbs. The key to drinking alcohol, the healthy way, is to drink it in moderation. A glass of wine in daytime is okay, however a glass at night should be avoided. If you are pregnant, avoid drinking completely.

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