calculate percent difference

Calculating Percent Difference

Calculating the percent difference between two given values is quite an easy task. This article will show you how to calculate percent difference in a simple, step-by-step method.

Percent Difference = 28.57%
Example 2
Here is a problem for you to try out. To view the solution, click on the 'show answer' link provided below. What is the percent difference between the population of city A, with a population of 2.5 million, and city B, with a population of 1.2 million?
Using the percent difference formula: Percent Difference = [First Value - Second Value] ÷ [(First Value + Second Value) ÷ 2] × 100 = [2.5 - 1.2] ÷ [(2.5 + 1.2) ÷ 2] × 100 Percent Difference = 1.3 ÷ 1.85 × 100 Percent Difference = 70.27%
As you see now, calculating percent difference is quite an easy task, if you just remember the formula, which again, is not a very complicated task either!

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