best haircuts to make you look younger

Best Haircuts to Make You Look Younger

The very first thing people seem to notice in you, is your hair and it can say a lot about your age, personality and style. Trimming your tresses can help you trim a decade! This article helps you with some of the best haircuts to make you look younger.

Jennifer Aniston recently celebrated her 42nd birthday and the haircut she donned, definitely made her look half her age! Getting the right kind of haircut can make you look younger. The trick is to keep them short; firstly, they are low maintenance and secondly, they give you a face lift that makes you look younger. But if you do not want to let go of your long locks, you can play with the length to have lot of layers and hide away your wrinkles or sport loose curls, which can make you look younger instantly. A wrong haircut can add years to your face and probably accentuate wrinkles and crow's feet on your face. This Buzzle article equips you with the best haircuts, that make you look younger straightaway. Whatever haircut you choose, pull it off with attitude and you are sure to turn heads, irrespective of your age! So, here you go... Keep it Sleek and Short!
A sleek, short haircut pulls your face upward, giving it an awesome face lift. If you have straight or slightly wavy hair, a short haircut will definitely help you defy your age. A few fringes that are side swept, would mask forehead wrinkles and make you look younger! Add Lot of Layers...
As you get older, you may encounter problems like hair loss or thinning of hair and so on. Well... you really need layers then, to frame your face and hide away wrinkles. Lot of layers also gives a bouncy and light appearance. You can actually play with the length of the layers, to accentuate your facial features. Cute Bob...Not Bad
A cute bob is a perfect haircut for someone in their 50s or 60s. The hairdo takes attention away from a wrinkly neck and makes you look elegant. Moreover, this kind of hairdo is definitely easier to maintain. You can also give a confident and sexy angle to the bob, by keeping it short at the back and longer in front. How About a Loose Side Braid?
Although braids are synonymous with schoolgirls, they do not always make you look young. A loose side braid with lots of volume at the crown is a perfect youthful option! A braid can also be wrapped into a messy bun, this would add to the vitality of the hairdo. Loose Curls Maximizing Volume...
If you have long hair and do not wish to cut it short; you can always drop it down in the form of loose curls and create a little height at the roots. Loose curls take decades off your face, making you look younger and adding volume to your hair! Messy Hairdo!
This hairdo usually suits those women, who have shoulder length hair and are in their 40s. Letting your hair down, gives it a fresh-off-the-beach, messy look (think Jennifer Aniston)! The beachy waves and the messed up look makes you look young effortlessly, accentuating your facial assets. Loose Ponytail with a Light Puff...
If you style your cut hair properly, you can definitely look younger. Lightly comb back your hair to get a lift at the crown and tie it up. A ponytail with a little puff at the crown, helps you attain a perfectly glamorous yet relaxed look. This hairdo lifts your eyes upward, giving your whole face a lift and makes wrinkles less visible, making you look way younger! Side Swept Bangs Look Awesome!
Side swept bangs can never go wrong, whatever be your age. They make you look younger and the hairdo transmutes great confidence and youthfulness. This haircut can draw attention towards the best features of your face, like the jaw line, cheekbones, pretty eyes and hide away all the flaws. Well... this was all about the best haircuts to make you look younger and helps lessen the stress on your pretty facial features.

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