benign hypertension

Benign Hypertension

Benign hypertension is relatively less harmful when it is in its initial stage but over time it can become a serious issue.

As we all know, the blood pressure refers to the force, needed to circulate blood to different parts of the body. This force is provided by the heart that pumps fresh oxygenated blood which is then circulated through blood vessels (arteries and veins). The heart pushes the blood and regulates blood flow, necessary for normal functioning of the body. What is High Blood Pressure High blood pressure (HBP), also referred to as hypertension is a commonly diagnosed medical problem. It occurs when the blood pressure is being pushed at a faster rate, consistently. High blood pressure produces damaging effects to the arteries, making them less elastic and flexible. This will eventually lead to heart problems. What is Benign Hypertension? Benign hypertension goes unnoticed for years, as it does not show any symptoms. One can consider it as a mild version of high blood pressure, that does not give any indications about its arrival. Although, blood pressure in this condition, is higher than normal, it is not that high to bring noticeable ill-effects to the health. This happens because the blood pressure increases at a snail's pace and it may take several years before the blood pressure rises substantially. That is why the term benign is used to describe this type of hypertension. Here 'benign' refers to the slow progressive nature of this condition. As a result, the body reacts, only when there is appreciable increase in blood pressure. Symptoms The presence of any disease is commonly accompanied by some negative effects on normal bodily functions, which are termed as symptoms. However, this is not the case with this type of hypertension. Its existence in the body, does not show any noticeable change in bodily functions, thus making it very difficult to diagnose this condition. Is it a Harmful Condition High blood pressure (HBP) is itself a cause for concern, so by attaching the term 'benign' before HBP, does not make it harmless. In fact, it would be correct to say that benign hypertension is a health hazard. How? It is explained below: In this condition the blood pressure increases at a very slow pace. So, it may take quite some time, before one experience its symptoms. However, benign hypertension actually brings slow deterioration of the important organs such as the heart and the kidneys. So, by the time the patient comes to know that he has HBP, the condition might have aggravated, showing a significant rise in blood pressure. Consider this: Suppose this health condition begins at the age of 25. As the blood pressure rises at a very slow rate, the person may experience minor health issues, at some point of time, which he may tend to neglect. This slow increment in blood pressure is a long duration process, say 20 years. So, when the person becomes 45 years old, the blood pressure range is worrisome. Also, during this period of 20 years, there will be mild to moderate damage to different organs. Now, any further increase in blood pressure, won't be tolerated and the person may experience frequent episodes of severe headache and dizziness. If appropriate treatment is not taken, it may lead to severe medical problems like heart attack and stroke. On the whole, checking the blood pressure, at least once in a year, by taking an appointment with a qualified health provider, is the only way to confirm the presence of benign hypertension. Also, remember people with high blood pressure can lead a happy normal life by following a healthy diet, and quitting smoking and alcohol. Following a daily exercise routine, will ensure a healthy weight and help to manage hypertension effectively. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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