zodiac sign compatibility

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Looking for an easy zodiac sign compatibility chart that will help you understand the level of understanding you can have with your family, friends, and your better half? This article will help you learn more about the characteristics that influence your interpersonal relationships.

There is a simple way to find the level of comfort and discomfort shared between two people under different zodiac signs - with the help of zodiac sign compatibility. Zodiac signs and their meanings interpret the similar personality traits shared by individuals born under the same star sign. These traits also influence the compatibility between two individuals born under different star signs. For this very reason, people try compatibility tests to know if they are suited to each other, especially in cases of love and money. Compatibility Chart Zodiac sign compatibility chart covers a concept in astrology that helps one know how well two individuals get along. There are 12 zodiac signs that are represented by one element each. There are 4 elements; fire, air, water, and earth. The zodiac signs are divided as follows:
  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
According to zodiac signs and their meanings, fire represents individuals who are strong willed, enthusiastic, and full of urge. The earth is an element that represents practical individuals with material concerns. Air, like its natural element, represents abstract thoughts, while water is an element with empathy, emotions, and feelings as individual traits. The zodiac signs compatibility tests tend to analyze the comfort level shared between two elements. Elements are compatible with each other according to their compatibility in their natural form. This means fire sign is compatible with air, while earth is most compatible with water.
Astrological Signs Zodiac Compatibility Traits Compatible/Incompatible Zodiac Signs
Aries Soulmates Leo, Sagittarius
Can Work It Out Gemini, Aquarius
Similar Thoughts Aries
Opposites Attract Virgo, Scorpio
Helps You Become Better Pisces, Taurus
Cannot Work Out At All Cancer, Capricorn
Hell Mates Libra
Taurus Soulmates Virgo, Capricorn
Can Work It Out Cancer, Pisces
Similar Thoughts Taurus
Opposites Attract Libra, Sagittarius
Helps You Become Better Aries, Gemini
Cannot Work Out At All Leo, Aquarius
Hell Mates Scorpio
Gemini Soulmates Libra, Aquarius
Can Work It Out Aries, Leo
Similar Thoughts Gemini
Opposites Attract Scorpio, Capricorn
Helps You Become Better Taurus, Cancer
Cannot Work Out At All Virgo, Pisces
Hell Mates Sagittarius
Cancer Soulmates Scorpio, Pisces
Can Work It Out Taurus, Virgo
Similar Thoughts Cancer
Opposites Attract Sagittarius, Aquarius
Helps You Become Better Gemini, Leo
Cannot Work Out At All Aries, Libra
Hell Mates Capricorn
Leo Soulmates Aries, Sagittarius
Can Work It Out Gemini, Libra
Similar Thoughts Leo
Opposites Attract Capricorn, Pisces
Helps You Become Better Cancer, Virgo
Cannot Work Out At All Scorpio, Taurus
Hell Mates Aquarius
Virgo Soulmates Taurus, Capricorn
Can Work It Out Cancer, Scorpio
Similar Thoughts Virgo
Opposites Attract Aries, Aquarius
Helps You Become Better Leo, Libra
Cannot Work Out At All Gemini, Sagittarius
Hell Mates Pisces
Libra Soulmates Gemini, Aquarius
Can Work It Out Leo, Sagittarius
Similar Thoughts Libra
Opposites Attract Taurus, Pisces
Helps You Become Better Virgo, Scorpio
Cannot Work Out At All Cancer, Capricorn
Hell Mates Aries
Scorpio Soulmates Cancer, Pisces
Can Work It Out Virgo, Capricorn
Similar Thoughts Scorpio
Opposites Attract Aries, Gemini
Helps You Become Better Libra, Sagittarius
Cannot Work Out At All Leo, Aquarius
Hell Mates Taurus
Sagittarius Soulmates Aries, Leo
Can Work It Out Libra, Aquarius
Similar Thoughts Sagittarius
Opposites Attract Taurus, Cancer
Helps You Become Better Scorpio, Capricorn
Cannot Work Out At All Virgo, Pisces
Hell Mates Gemini
Capricorn Soulmates Taurus, Virgo
Can Work It Out Scorpio, Pisces
Similar Thoughts Capricorn
Opposites Attract Gemini, Leo
Helps You Become Better Sagittarius, Aquarius
Cannot Work Out At All Aries, Libra
Hell Mates Cancer
Aquarius Soulmates Gemini, Libra
Can Work It Out Aries, Sagittarius
Similar Thoughts Aquarius
Opposites Attract Cancer, Virgo
Helps You Become Better Capricorn, Pisces
Cannot Work Out At All Taurus, Scorpio
Hell Mates Leo
Pisces Soulmates Cancer, Scorpio
Can Work It Out Taurus, Capricorn
Similar Thoughts Pisces
Opposites Attract Leo, Libra
Helps You Become Better Aries, Aquarius
Cannot Work Out At All Gemini, Sagittarius
Hell Mates Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility According to Chinese astrology, there are 12 animal zodiac signs. These 12 signs are segregated into four groups. This means 3 animal signs are grouped into one according to the level of their compatibility with each other. Even though these animals tend to be different from each other, they have a similar pattern of style and thinking. The four groups of Chinese zodiac are as follows:
  • First Group: Rat, Dragon, Monkey
  • Second Group: Ox, Snake, Rooster
  • Third Group: Tiger, Horse, Dog
  • Fourth Group: Rabbit, Sheep, Pig
The following compatibility chart will help you understand the compatibility of Chinese zodiac signs.
Animal Sign Compatible Signs Incompatible Signs
Rat Ox, Dragon, Monkey Horse, Sheep, Rooster
Ox Rat, Snake, Rooster Tiger, Horse, Sheep, Dog
Tiger Horse, Dog, Pig Ox, Rabbit, Snake
Rabbit Sheep, Dog, Pig Tiger, Horse, Monkey, Rooster
Dragon Rat, Snake, Monkey, Rooster Dog
Snake Ox, Dragon, Rooster Tiger, Monkey, Pig
Horse Tiger, Sheep, Dog Rat, Ox, Rabbit
Sheep Rabbit, Horse, Pig Rat, Ox, Dog
Monkey Rat, Dragon, Monkeys Rabbit, Snake
Rooster Ox, Dragon, Snake Rat, Rabbit, Dog
Dog Tiger, Rabbit, Horse Ox, Dragon, Sheep, Rooster
Pig Tiger, Rabbit, Sheep Snake, Other Pigs
You can scroll down to your specific zodiac signs and go through the details regarding which star signs are compatible with you. You can also visit plenty of sites on the Internet that offer name compatibility tests, zodiac sign compatibility tests, and marriage compatibility tests. I hope this article has helped you gather some interesting and useful information about the traditionally compatible sun signs and Chinese zodiac signs.

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