yeast intolerance symptoms in adults

Yeast Intolerance Symptoms in Adults

When the volume of yeast in the body increases, an individual starts displaying intolerance symptoms. Experience of some people is more intense than others, and this is something that can be thwarted by staying away from items rich in yeast.

There are many people who display symptoms of yeast intolerance, as this is a condition that commonly affects many people around the world. There are many chronic signs of a food intolerance condition, and different people show different reactions to certain food items. Intolerance of a certain food item means that the body of the individual is unable to digest that particular food item, and this ends up causing a lot of adverse reactions in the body. Yeast is a very common fungi that is present in a lot of food items and inside our bodies as well. This presence is very small in number though, so it does not end up harming the body. Yeast sensitivity in adults and children arises when the yeast population inside the body starts growing exponentially. When an individual consumes too much of it in their diet, a variety of signs start appearing as a result of the histamines and antibodies that are released into the bloodstream by the immune system. Possible Causes of Yeast Intolerance ➜ Yeast is an organism that is essential in the human body but only in small amounts. When its presence crosses a certain limit, it starts getting attacked by the immune system because it is a threat to the body. ➜ The most common reason for the appearance of symptoms is the consumption of food items that contain yeast in them. This causes an allergy in the body and results in the surfacing of the various signs. ➜ Some common food items that are high in yeast content are bread, cheese, mushrooms, peanuts, beer, wine, vinegar, and soy sauce amongst many others. These should be avoided if you are yeast intolerant. ➜ Another cause of a yeast infection is indigestion. When there is some undigested food inside the human body, it ferments itself in those conditions and ends up in an overproduction of yeast. This invariably leads to the various symptoms. ➜ There are certain medications that also lead to this problem, the most common being 'Progesterone'. Along with some other antibiotics and oral contraceptives, this destroys the bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, which controls and regulates the amount of yeast in the human body. Symptoms of Yeast Intolerance in Adults Depending on the amount of item that has been consumed, these symptoms can surface within a few minutes or hours of consumption. When they occur instantly, it is easy to identify the causative item. But, in most cases, when they surface after a few hours, it becomes very difficult to ascertain which food item or medication was the real culprit. Mentioned below are some commonly observed symptoms of yeast allergy:
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Bloating of the stomach
  • Gas and flatulence right after eating
  • Watering eyes and runny nose
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Visible skin rashes
  • Bloating of the face
  • Nasal congestion and sneezing
  • Headache and sore throat
  • White coating on the tongue
  • Bad breath
  • Heartburn and acidity
  • Cravings for sweet and sugary items
These symptoms and treatment will vary from person-to-person. There are some people who display very mild symptoms that vanish quickly, but some other people have to live with them for several hours at a stretch. These can also be confused as signs of some other disease, and this makes the condition even harder to diagnose. If you are aware of your allergy to certain food items, then you must stay away from these. Always examine the labels and the content list of an item before consuming it in order to avoid frequent infections. A doctor will provide you with some short-term solutions and treatment, but the best way to avoid this condition is to avoid the problematic food items. This will keep your yeast allergy at bay and help you live a smooth life. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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