workout without equipment

Workout Without Equipment

You can work out at home, without gym equipment, and still lose weight. Here are some easy and effective exercises to do at home for physical fitness.

You are aware that you are gaining a lot of weight and have planned a weight loss program. However, soon you realize that although you are successful in following a proper diet, going to the gym is simply impossible. Buying gym equipment at home is also out of budget. In that case, there are several workouts, without using any equipment, that can be carried out at home. Easy Home Workout Wall Squats You should stand with your feet 1-2 feet apart and arms at the sides. Stand near a wall for support, but keep your neck straight, do not lean. Now, breath in and out. While breathing out, bend your knees and slide down as if you are about to sit down, but do not sit down. Now get back to the normal position. Carry out 8-10 repetitions. Lunges You should stand with one leg forward and the other back. Now, bend knees and lower your body. You should keep the front knee and back knee at 90 degree angles. Now push the back of the heel up and return slowly to the starting position. Doing this for 15-20 times, using alternating legs, will be helpful. Push Ups For push ups, you should lie on your chest and your palms should be placed flat on the floor. Your legs should be together and parallel to each other. Now push your body off the floor, while straightening your arms. You should try not to bend your knees and back. Now, lower the body and repeat. Stair Climbing This is also a weight loss exercise that can help tone up your legs. You should climb stairs at a normal pace at the beginning and increase your speed a bit after 2-3 repetitions. Carry out climbing up and down for 8-10 times every day. Swimming Arguably, swimming is the best among all the cardio workouts. Swimming for a half hour every day will help in losing a lot of calories and also burn fat. One can tone arms, legs, and abdomen by swimming every day. Apart from the above mentioned ones, jumping, brisk walking, running, jogging, dancing, aerobics, rope skipping, etc., are equally effective exercises. If initially unsure as to how to perform the exercises, you can buy a CD/DVD for the same and follow it. As there are several options, exercising can be more enjoyable and easier. You can also encourage your partner or other family members to work out with you. Lastly, note that exercise at home, if done regularly and properly, can be equally effective as that done at the gym. Take care! Disclaimer: This article is meant only to provide information. Do not try strenuous exercises at home. If unsure, do consult a trainer before commencing any exercise routine.

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