workout plans for men

Workout Plans for Men

Body workout is beneficial for strengthening muscles and shedding those extra pounds. However, the workout should be a well-planned routine that includes exercises having equal emphasis on all muscle groups. Hence, the following Buzzle article offers you a few sample plans, from which you can choose the most suitable one.

The workout plans for males at the gym and home should incorporate a few basic routines like, cardiovascular and strength training exercises. These exercises together, help work out most of the body muscles. Apart from these exercises, one can also make use of other, additional workouts. While cardiovascular exercises can be performed on a daily basis, it is advisable to take a break of at least one day, between strength training sessions. 3 Day Workout Routine A 3-day routine doesn't offer benefits of working out maximum number of muscles, which can be obtained in a week-long schedule. However, this kind of routine can be adjusted in a week's period on alternate days; necessary rest can also be given to the body. The 3 day routine can be used as a beginner workout plan. Cardiovascular exercises should be performed on all three days of the exercise schedule. They keep the body fit, by providing it with sufficient oxygen; cardiovascular workouts therefore, influence the overall health. Workouts for abdominal muscles should also be included in this routine on all days. Strengthening these muscles through workouts, benefits the digestive system and other muscles that support the abdominal region. First day of the routine should be allotted for chest and back exercises. The second day can be used for leg and shoulder exercises. The third and final day should be kept for biceps and triceps. A workout session that continues for about 45 minutes (on a daily basis) is enough to work out various muscles of the body. Workout Plan to Lose Weight It should have strength training and cardiovascular exercises as main components. In order to lose weight, the cardiovascular exercises need to be included in the daily routine, for a period of 20-60 minutes. A 20 minutes treadmill walk is one of the best workouts to perform at home. Other exercises, which help in weight loss are walking, running, swimming, elliptical machine workouts, etc. One can also think about playing tennis, racquetball, basketball, etc. Strength training is one of the important aspects of exercise routine for weight loss. This kind of schedule should begin with lifting light weights. Repetitions of light weightlifting helps in burning fat at a faster rate. Fifteen or more repetitions are recommended for men in order to obtain better results. There is one way to judge how much weight is suitable for such a workout. Randomly choose a weight (a lightweight) and try performing 12 repetitions. If you are able to perform these repetitions with ease, it can be concluded that the weight is suitable for you. The weight should be increased only when you are able to perform 15 or more repetitions with ease. Other workouts, which can be used for strength training are the squats, crunches, calf-raises, lunges, push-ups, etc. Workout Routine for Men Over 40 Individuals who want to start working out, and are of 40 years (or more), should first go for a health checkup to avoid any kind of risk, resulting from stretching the body. People with a family history of heart disease and problems like high cholesterol should be more careful. Their routine should include exercises like cycling, using jump ropes, ab wheel exercises, etc. The cycling exercise (5-10 minutes) should be used as a cardiovascular exercise. Jump rope exercise should initially be performed only to the 40% capacity. It can be increased gradually. Push-ups are recommended only for those, who feel strong enough to perform them. Ab wheel exercise should also be incorporated in the plan. One should get on the knees to perform this exercise. Core muscles of the body are exercised in this workout. Losing weight and maintaining a strong body is possible by means of these workouts. Those who are over 40 years of age need to take extra care to see that the body is not overworked or any of the muscles are not stretched beyond limit.

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