why homeschool

Why Homeschooling is Better

Why homeschool is better than school education? Are there any negative repercussions of teaching children at home? The following article looks into the advantages of homeschooling.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."―Albert Einstein If you are one of those people who always felt that whatever you learned in school, you had to unlearn later in life to become the person who you are today, then let me say that you are not alone. Many people share this belief that the classroom environment, where every child is taught the same things, the same way, without taking into consideration individual needs and interests, kills creativity. Schools and classroom environment churn out students who think on the same lines. Any kind of uniqueness or an out-of-box thinking, gets nipped in the bud right in childhood due to classroom teaching. So what is the other option left for parents? How can parents ensure that their children learn well, and at the same time retain their individuality? Well, the answer lies in homeschooling. Advantages of Homeschooling Although homeschooling requires lots of hard work and patience on part of the parents, yet, it's advantages are unparalleled. Firstly, no one knows children better than their parents. This helps them to teach the children in a way they will enjoy learning. Contrast this with classroom learning, where a child may not really understand or pay attention to what is being taught, as he is bored with the way it is being fed to him by the teacher, which can be very disadvantageous. Secondly, while at school, children are mostly interacting with other children who are of the same age. However, when learning at home, children get a chance to communicate more with people of all age groups - their parents, neighbors, relatives, etc. This contributes to their overall personality development. Speaking of the pros and cons of homeschooling, another reason is that almost all children face peer pressure at school. This makes them talk, look, and behave in ways which is not at all them. Homeschooling cuts down peer pressure, and thus, children learn to be at ease with whom they are. They no longer have to pretend to be someone else just to 'fit in' with their classmates. Moreover, children who are taught at home by parents, do not have to go through the stress of meeting deadlines for assignments or examinations. All these things make them turn out into healthy and confident adults. A very big benefit of homeschooling is that it gives enough time for family bonding. Children's interactions with their parents increases, and thus, they become closer as a family. Parents on their part, can take the children out on vacations or a visit to a zoo or a market, whenever they want to. They do not have to plan educational or fun outings on the basis of the school schedule. In fact, it reduces the stress of parents too. Besides the flexibility it offers, parents do not have to worry about the safety and security of their children. These are some of the reasons to understand why homeschool is a better option than sending children to schools. However, before making the final decision, parents should keep the negative effects into consideration as well. Homeschooling can sometimes slow down the learning of a child, especially if the parents are unable to put in the needed hours everyday for teaching. Secondly, as a child is taught alone, he does not learn how to compete with others. Due to this, he may not do well in work or business environment later in life. From the parent's point of view, to teach the child at home, one of the parents has to quit their job. This can isolate the parent from others, leading to emotional problems for them, as well as financial problems for the family. So, all parents considering homeschooling, should look into the pros and cons, and then take this important decision.

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