wheat bread calories in wheat bread

Calories in Wheat Bread

Wheat can be enjoyed in many forms, like pasta, breads, etc. It contains a large amount of gluten, which is a stretchy protein that helps to make risen breads. This article presents information on the nutrition facts in different varieties of wheat bread.

Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods and it is an inevitable part of our diet. Sandwiches and pizzas are loved by children and people of all ages and places. Bread is available in innumerable types like Italian, French, German, baguette, croissant, Cuban, etc. Every variety is nutritious and full of different nutritional elements. Original variety of white bread should be avoided as far as possible and whole wheat grain flour bread should be opted, as it contains bran, germ, and nutrients as well as vitamin E, which acts as a natural preservative. Calories in wheat bread may vary according to the ingredients in the bread and the serving size. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the following are the figures available with reference to the 'whole wheat bread nutrition'. Whole Wheat Bread Calories
Quantity Served Total Number of Calories
1 slice 128
100 g 278
1 thin slice(3-3/4" x 5" x 3/8") 92
1 oz 79
One slice of whole wheat bread contains 74% carbohydrates, 17% fat, and 9% protein. Estimated non-fiber carbs are about 20.85 g. Following are the figures available with reference to the '100% whole wheat bread'. Calories in 100% Whole Wheat Bread
Quantity Served Total Number of Calories
1 slice, crust removed 30
100 g 246
1 oz 70
1 regular size 69
1 large size 79
1 thin slice 57
One slice of 100% whole wheat bread contains 71% carbohydrates, 14% fat, and 15% protein. Estimated non-fiber carbs are about 11.00 g. Following are the figures available with reference to the 'toasted 100% whole wheat bread'. Calories in 100 % Toasted Wheat Bread
Quantity Served Total Number of Calories
1 slice, crust removed 30
100 g 277
1 oz 79
1 regular size 69
1 large size 80
1 thin slice 58
One slice of 100% toasted whole wheat bread contains 70% carbs, 15% fat and 15% protein. Estimated non-fiber carbs are about 11.11 g. Let us now take a look at the wheat bread calories, especially, calories in commercial whole wheat bread. Commercial Whole Wheat Bread Calorie Content
Quantity Served Total Number of Calories
1 slice 69
100 g 247
1 oz 70
Nutritional Value of Whole Wheat Bread One slice of commercial whole wheat bread contains 71% carbs, 15% fat, and 14% protein. Estimated non-fiber carbs are about 11.01 g. Following are the other important commercial whole wheat bread nutrition facts (serving size: 1 normal slice).
Element Amount Element Amount
Total fat 1.18 g Cholesterol 0
Sodium 148 mg Potassium 71 mg
Total carbs 12.90 g Dietary fiber 1.9 g
Sugars 1.56 g Vitamin A 0
Protein 2.72 g Vitamin C 0
Saturated fat 0.257 g Monounsaturated fat 0.46 g
Different Varieties of Bread and Calories Obtained
Type of Bread Total Number of Calories Carbs (g)
2 Ounces Water or Egg Bagel 160 31
1.5 Ounces Boston Brown Bread 80 21
1 Bun 100 19
Croissant 117 13
1.25 Ounces Garlic Bread 100 19
Multigrain Wheat Bread 70 14
Italian Bread 83 17
Oat Bran Bread 70 24
1.25 Ounces French Bread 100 19
Bread is not recommended for those who are following a low-carb diet plan for weight loss. White bread is especially high in carbs and should be totally avoided. Taking into consideration the overall nutritional values, the white bread must be avoided, and whole wheat/whole grain bread should be consumed.

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