what zodiac signs get along together

What Zodiac Signs Get Along Together?

Compatibility by astrology is something that many of us depend on where the stars govern our fate. Learn more about which zodiac signs get along with another so that you have an idea about your strongest compatible signs.

March 21 - Apr 19 Aries
Sagittarius Leo
Apr 20 - May 20 Taurus
Capricorn Virgo
May 21 - June 20 Gemini
Aquarius Libra
June 21 - July 22 Cancer
Scorpio Pisces
July 23 - Aug 22 Leo
Sagittarius Aries
Aug 23 - Sept 22 Virgo
Capricorn Taurus
Sept 23 - Oct 22 Libra
Gemini Aquarius
Oct 23 - Nov 21 Scorpio
Pisces Cancer
Nov 22 - Dec 21 Sagittarius
Leo Aries
Dec 22 - Jan 19 Capricorn
Taurus Virgo
Jan 20 - Feb 18 Aquarius
Gemini Libra
Feb 19 - Mar 20 Pisces
Scorpio Cancer
Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs While the highest compatibility signs reveal which ones go well with you in every aspect, there are others that you can consider which are possibly compatible with your zodiac sign.
Aries: Scorpio and Libra
Taurus: Scorpio and Pisces
Gemini: Leo and Sagittarius
Cancer: Taurus and Virgo
Leo: Gemini and Virgo
Virgo: Libra and Scorpio
Libra: Scorpio and Capricorn
Scorpio: Virgo and Taurus
Sagittarius: Scorpio and Libra
Capricorn: Libra and Pisces
Aquarius: Leo and Taurus
Pisces: Capricorn and Taurus
My View on the Compatibility of Zodiac Signs
Frankly, I think that there is no way to use the zodiac signs to draw a conclusion about the compatibility between two people. Zodiac signs, astrology, or tarot cards mean zilch when it comes to taking important decisions. However, for the people who strongly believe in astrology-based compatibility predictions, here's explaining to you about the intricacies of such a belief. If the predictions based on the zodiac signs were true, we could've had people hiring employees with sun signs that said they were hardworking and disciplined. Can you imagine asking people which zodiac sign they fell under, during a professional interview? Zodiac signs give generalized descriptions about people who belong to a particular sign. For example, people whose zodiac sign is say, Leo, are supposed to be aggressive, however I've come across many Leos who are anything but aggressive. It obviously takes more than one's zodiac compatibility to get along with other people. The kind of educational and cultural background of a person, areas of interest, professional aspects, upbringing, and life experiences, influences how he / she gets along with another. Cancer and Libra are supposed to be incompatible signs. My sun sign is Cancer and my best friend is a Libra; we understand each other and get along really well. Cancer and Aquarius are an unsuitable match, but I'm married to one after years of being in a relationship. Although our zodiac compatibility is weak, the years we have spent in enriching and enjoying our beautiful relationship has convinced me that zodiac-based compatibility predictions shouldn't be taken seriously.
The reason why astrology isn't a sure-shot way to determine a couple's compatibility is because we cannot change our fates or alter it in any way. What's written is clearly written and if we use an alien way of determining our destinies, then it could not turn out great for everyone. Manipulating what should take its own course isn't exactly good advice. Nonetheless, some do take things like astrology seriously or even lightly for the sake of fun. For years, astrologers have believed that the stars in some way are associated with our lives, that we are somehow woven as one. The stars decide which sun signs go well with others, since some kind of cosmic compatibility is predetermined but not known (until now, apparently). Some people strongly believe in zodiac compatibility by basing every relationship whether with a partner, friend, or family member, on what astrology has to say. What's more important is to relate to people without astrology coming into the picture, since the signs aren't entirely true but just what you want to believe through tentative predictions and assessments. Be open to meeting new people, but don't shun them because they aren't "astrologically compatible" with you.

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