what are the benefits of going to college

What are the Benefits of Going to College?

Why should you go to college? What are the benefits of attending it? Apart from giving you education, attending college benefits you in several other ways. It makes you more competent, it helps develop your personality. It gives you a chance to gain exposure to the world, and it helps you know yourself. Read this Buzzle article to find more about the benefits of going to college.

During school years, one awaits college days and for years after college days have ended, one reminisces them. This is precisely what college years are! They are long-awaited and remembered for long. Those are the years, which pave the paths of careers and shape personalities. They are the brightest and the most colorful years of one's life. The benefits of attending college are many. One of the primary benefits of going to college is being able to obtain a college degree. A college degree helps you propel your career in the right direction. The degree opens doors for good job opportunities. A bright college career can fetch you an excellent job, and it goes without saying that a good job can earn you good money. A college degree goes a long way in building a bright career and gives you excellent job prospects. College education helps in building analytical and reasoning skills. College years are filled with academic as well as extra curricular activities. The projects, the exams, and the demonstrations that are a part of college curriculum help you build self-confidence and enhance your communication skills. College education plays a vital role in the development of analytical thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. These skills help you throughout life. There are clubs in college that give you a chance to take part in various activities like sports, community service, and environmental awareness campaigns, among others. There are clubs dedicated to a particular sport or a hobby like photography, cooking, or pet training to name a few. Being a member of such clubs gives you the opportunity to nurture your hobbies or cultivate new ones. There are events built around acting, music, and other art forms. They serve as the best platforms for young artists to display their skills. College magazines and newsletters become an effective platform for budding writers. Most extra-curricular activities include campaigns (be it an election campaign to promote yourself or one to promote your idea). They help develop the skills to advertise or market yourself. Taking part in these allows you to discover your hidden talents. College helps you discover yourself and know who you truly are. There are student councils where you can gain experience in administration and leadership. The concept of student governments in college gives you a glimpse of the real-world government, as it includes elections to different positions that have their own powers and responsibilities. Be it exams, course work, or any other activities, you are most exposed to competition during college. You may win or lose, but what counts more is that you competed. This spirit to 'participate' without fearing failure is an important lesson that you learn during college. Competitions may lead you to taste success or you may have to accept a rejection. Being able to accept it is of great importance in real life, and college teaches you that. If you are staying away from home, you learn to manage your finances and live by yourself, thus becoming independent. The provision to also take up jobs during college years, increases your exposure to the real world. And there come other benefits like developing contacts, work ethic, and management skills. In many different ways, college leads to personal development. Perhaps, the most important benefit of going to college is the environment it offers. It gives you the opportunity to be a part of a large group. College education helps you develop skills of working in a team. It gives you an opportunity to understand different points of view on different issues in life. You meet new people, you make new friends. The college years give you friendships that last for a lifetime and experiences that you cherish all your life.

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