tropical fruit facts

Tropical Fruit Facts

Mango, banana, coconut, passion fruit, lychee, star fruit, African cucumber, kumquat, jack fruit, etc., are some of the best tropical fruits. Tropical fruits have unique color, shape and flavor. They also provide many nutritional benefits. Read on, to learn about tropical fruit facts.

Tropical fruits are found in various parts of the world. Local tropical fruits apart from being enjoyed as fresh fruits, are used by the natives to cure many ailments. They also form an important part of many local dishes. They are used to make desserts, added to curries, some are even used to make alcohol! There are some tropical fruits which are found on small plants, or large trees and some even grow on cactus! Tropical fruits have unique structure and most of them are bright in color. This makes them rich in antioxidants. There are some tropical fruits which are also used as vegetables. There are hundreds of strange looking tropical fruits found all over the world. Here are some familiar and some strange tropical fruit facts. Interesting Tropical Fruits Facts
  • Ripe mango is yellow in color while raw mango is green in color. Both mangoes are tasty and used for different purposes.
  • Raw mango which is sour also known as kairi in India is used to make pickles and chutneys. While ripe mango which is sweet is used to make mango juice.
  • Mango is found in some parts of Brazil, Ghana and mostly in India where it is known as 'The King of Fruits'.
  • Did you know that mangoes are used as a contraceptive in some areas of the world?
  • Mango is rich in fiber, vitamin A, B6 and C.
  • It is also low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.
  • 100 grams serving of raw mango contains around 14 grams of sugar.
  • There is a myth in which it is said that Noah (according to western mythology) or Hazrat Nuh (according to Muslims) when starting a new life asked the God to provide a multipurpose plant which could be used as a fruit and vegetable; and God gave him the banana tree!
  • There are various varieties of bananas available all over the world.
  • There are red bananas which have a pink fruit flesh and are rich in carotenes. There are fruit yellow bananas. There are apple-bananas which are also yellow. There are baking bananas and cute baby bananas too.
  • Banana is a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, manganese and potassium. It also is an excellent source of vitamin B6.
  • Bananas help to absorb calcium better in the body, which makes the bones stronger.
  • 100 grams of banana raw fruit serving contains around 13 grams of total sugar.
Dragon Fruit
  • This is a very weird looking fruit; it actually comes from a cactus.
  • Dragon fruit plant has big white beautiful night blooming flowers. It gets a big fruit which is red in color with long green soft thorns.
  • This fruit is cut in two halves so that the flesh pulp which is off white with black dots can be scooped out.
  • It is native to Mexico and Central and South America.
  • Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants like vitamin C.
  • It also contains many B vitamins including vitamin B2, B1 and B3.
  • A typical 100 grams serving of dragon fruit contains around 60 calories.
Passion Fruit
  • Passion fruit is native to India, Brazil, New Zealand and a few other countries.
  • It has a soft juicy interior which is full of seeds. It is not eaten raw, but mostly the pulp is used to make a juice.
  • The name for passion fruit comes from the flowers on the plant. This plant has flowers which resemble to the crown of thorns which was a symbol of Christ's Passion.
  • Passion fruit is rich in potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C and A.
  • It also contains some calcium and iron.
  • Around 100 grams of raw purple passion fruit has 11 grams of sugar in it.
  • It is a very juicy yummy fruit. It is native to Taiwan, China and India.
  • It comes from an evergreen tea.
  • Lychee has a reddish-pinkish cover and inside it has white juicy flesh.
  • Lychee is sweet and so is used to make many products like juices, ice teas, jams, etc.
  • Lychee is a good source of vitamin C and copper.
  • It also contains a bit of calcium and iron.
  • 100 grams serving of lychee provides total 25 grams of sugar.
  • Coconut is found in most tropical countries.
  • Coconut is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Also, every part of coconut tree is used by natives for various purposes.
  • Coconuts are enjoyed for their water or for their flesh. They are also used to flavor ice creams, juices or dishes.
  • Coconut water is excellent for people who have stomach problems like colitis or stomach parasites.
  • Did you know that coconuts were used during Pacific War of 1941-45 to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers?
  • Coconut water is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, riboflavin and fiber.
  • It also makes a good source of magnesium, potassium and manganese.
  • One cup of coconut water gives around 46 calories.
African Cucumber
  • This is one weird looking fruit..!
  • It has a thick yellow skin which has thorns all over. Hence, it is also known as a horned melon or melano.
  • Inside of the skin there is green pulp with lots of white seeds.
  • It is native to Kalahari Desert, but now can be seen in California and New Zealand too.
  • The skin of this fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, hence its skin is also consumed along with the pulpy part.
  • It's a good source of vitamin E and A.
  • This fruit has rich water content, and so is naturally low in calories.
These were some of the interesting tropical fruit facts. You can find many tropical fruits in your local fruit market or at a supermarket. You can make various recipes using these fruits or enjoy them raw!

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