top 10 best family vacation destinations

Top 10 Best Family Vacation Destinations

A very good maxim for families planning their very first vacation should be "Good intentions do not necessarily make a good vacation." Most families tend to conjure up images of the ideal vacation in their minds even before they get started, just to find out that the experience is nothing like what they imagined it to be!

Most families cling to the idea that everyone traveling should be happy, but more often than not, the deck is generally stacked against them! Sometimes, the more you try to force yourself to have fun, the more fake your enthusiasm will be. Fun can never be coerced and your kids are definitely going to get bored by an uninspiring destination. So, picking the right place that works for the whole family can make a world of difference for you. Whether you want to just relax or have an action-packed and fun sojourn, choosing the right holiday spot is essential. There is a lot of thinking that goes into planning a family trip after all! Take Your Family on an Exciting Vacation If you are seriously contemplating going on a vacation sometime in the near future, then why go in for the same old itineraries that everyone else goes for? Be different! Try out something new! Here are ten of the hottest destinations that you can take your family to. Mexico Mexico provides the traveler with everything he ever wanted-from beautiful beaches and exotic historical sites to a crazy and wild nightlife. It has some of the most spectacular landscapes that include deserts, mountains, jungles, and quaint resorts and villages. Cancun and Acapulco are two favorite tourist spots in this country. Hawaii This is one of the most visited places in the world because of its pleasant climate, amazing volcanoes, warm hospitality, and most of all, its beautiful beaches. With so many different attractions on the island itself, discover its beauty by hiking past the volcanoes or flying over the different islands in a helicopter. Aruba Tourists simply adore the pleasant climate of sunny Aruba. On the southern and western coasts, there are plenty of shady beaches where you can hang out. It makes a great alternative to the Caribbean and is one of the best vacation spots in Central America. Jan and Feb are two of the best months to visit this place because of the carnival season. France From its beautiful attractions to its spectacular cultural heritage, France has everything to offer. Filled with a mixture of large bustling cities and quaint little villages with beautiful vineyards all around, it still has that peculiar Old World feel to it. With the wines, food, fashion, and the historical castles, France is one of the most popular spots on the tourist map. Haute Route in the Swiss Alps If you are looking for an adventurous trip, the Haute Route is an excellent option. A hike through this region offers plenty of adventure, loads of culture, and hospitality. One comes across many scenic villages, and mountain huts and inns for an overnight stay along the way. Machu Picchu, Peru Tourists and hikers have visited this mysterious, lost Inca civilization ruins, ever since it was discovered in the 1900s. Magical to say the least, the experience of visiting Machu Picchu with your family will take you to another era itself-from visiting ancient Inca villages and temples to traveling through the beautiful countryside-it is definitely an out of this world experience. Thailand Termed the 'Land of Smiles,' Thailand has everything to offer-from friendly natives to excellent hospitality. If you are looking for great culture, fascinating architecture, and superb beaches, then this country is perfect for you. With its exotic sights and sparklingly beautiful temples, your family will surely have a great time here. New York City The 'City that Never Sleeps,' New York City is truly a sight you need to behold. Visit Ellis Island, The Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and so on. With so many places to visit, activities to do, sights to see, and places to eat at, this place is a tourist haven. Las Vegas, Nevada From being called 'Sin City' to something that's become more of a family destination, Las Vegas offers a little something for just about anyone. So whether you want to gamble at a casino or visit some of the live shows with your family on The Strip, or go for a gondola ride at the Bellagio, Vegas is a once in a lifetime experience. Los Angeles, California Home to our very own Hollywood, Los Angeles with its beautiful sunny weather and host of beautiful celebrities, is one of the most famous spots to visit today. From touring some of your favorite stars' homes to visiting some of its bohemian neighborhoods, the city is famous for its nightlife, restaurants, beaches, and beautiful people. These were ten of the best vacation destinations and if you are planning on taking a trip to any one of these places, you can rest assured that your family will have a ball of a time!

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