tips to sanitize a toothbrush

Tips to Sanitize a Toothbrush

There are more ways than you can think of, for sanitizing your toothbrush. Read more for tips and different ways for doing so.

Sanitizing our toothbrush is that one thing we often ignore and underestimate. If you see the Petri dish in which the microbes from your toothbrush are placed, you will dread to brush your teeth without sanitizing your toothbrush, the next time. You toothbrush is that one thing that you use on daily basis and it needs to be sanitized. You need to sanitize it because it cleans all the germs and bacteria from your teeth and mouth and plain water is not really efficient in sanitizing your toothbrush. Running water on the bristles of your toothbrush does not sanitize it. In fact, it is said that this method of cleaning your brush is as good as keeping it dirty. There are many effective ways in which individuals can sanitize their toothbrushes. Let's look at the different ways for doing so. Different Ways to Sanitize Your Toothbrush Antiseptic Mouthwash: Dip your toothbrush in an antiseptic mouthwash for about 15 minutes. Remove the brush after 15 minutes, clean it with plain water or hot water and let it dry. Do not put a cap on your brush without allowing the brush to dry. These antiseptic mouthwashes help in killing the germs and bacteria and sanitizes your toothbrush. Place it in the Microwave: Place your toothbrush in the microwave for about 15 seconds. It has been tested that the microwave radiations kills the bacteria and germs in your toothbrush. Dishwasher: According to a test, sanitizing a toothbrush in a dishwasher gives the most efficient results in killing microbes. This method has been proven to be more effective than cleaning a toothbrush by running hot water on it, and by cleaning a brush with an aqua blast. Boil It: Another efficient way of sanitizing a toothbrush is by using the traditional method of boiling a toothbrush in a container. Do this for about 15 minutes and then let it dry. The only disadvantage associated with this method is, that the bristles of your toothbrush will wear out sooner than the normal time span it would take. Though this method cannot be used for electric toothbrushes. Toothbrush Sanitizers: There are many toothbrush sanitizers available in the market. They come in the form of a toothbrush holder, a toothbrush stand, and a little steripod wherein you can place the bristle part of the toothbrush and store it. Use Ultraviolet Sterilizing Lamp: You can also sterilize your toothbrush by using an Ultraviolet Sterilizing Lamp. In an ultraviolet sterilizing lamp, you need to invert your toothbrush and place in the sterilizing unit. The cap of this unit is translucent and there is light glowing in it, which lets you know if the unit is working or no. It goes on for 10 minutes and automatically stops after that. Steam and Dry Heat: There are other electronic sanitizing units that sanitize toothbrushes by using steam and dry heat. Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) Solution: You can sanitize your toothbrush by storing it the solution of hydrogen peroxide and change it daily. Though I don't think that it's a very convenient method of sanitizing your toothbrush. White Vinegar: Pour some white vinegar in a container and keep your inverted toothbrush soaked in it, overnight. This will sanitize your brush but it is not a 100% effective method. A Few Tips on Keeping You Toothbrush Clean
  1. Don't keep all the toothbrushes in one stand or a toothbrush holder. As, the germs from one brush can transfer to the other very easily.
  2. Throw the brush if it's bristles have bended.
  3. Throw the toothbrush of a person who has recovered from an ailment immediately, so that there is no possibility of the transfer of bacteria from the sick person's toothbrush to the other.
  4. Change your brush every 2-3 months.
It's important to keep your toothbrush clean and hygienic as much as possible. Because a septic brush leads to formations of more microbes, which in turn will provoke many related diseases and problems like heart diseases, bad breath, inflammation and tooth decay. Keep you toothbrush sanitized and flaunt that beautiful smile!

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