things you need to know about the cathedral setting for rings

Things You Need to Know about the Cathedral Setting for Rings

Choosing a ring to woo your lady can be a daunting task given the plethora of options available in the ring settings and styles. Of these, a very popular engagement ring is the cathedral setting ring, that is known for its beautiful arches derived from the old cathedrals. In this Buzzle article, we provide you with information about the cathedral-style rings.

Sasha told me you were looking for engagement rings. Do you have a specific style in mind?" Yeah the kind that fits on her hand and makes her say yes when I propose.
― J. Sterling, The Game Changer
Gentlemen, if you're thinking of popping 'that' question to her, you've to be extra careful with the ring. It is every girl's fantasy to have a beautiful engagement ring, and why not? It symbolizes one of the most special moments of her life. While there are many types of rings available in different shapes and stones, they can also be classified on the basis of their settings. What is a Ring Setting? It is the way in which the diamond or stone is set or secured in the ring. There are various types of ring settings such as prong, cathedral, bezel, tension, illusion, etc. Prongs refer to claws that hold the stone in place, and they give more emphasis to the stone or the diamond instead of the metal. A prong setting is one of the most commonly used ring settings.
An Introduction to Cathedral Settings for Rings
The diamond in the ring is flanked by beautiful arches
This is a cathedral-style ring with side stones
The cathedral setting is a variation of the prong-style setting. These rings are usually used to set the diamond higher than the normal height. They provide an emphasis to small stones, having cathedral-shaped arches that hold the gemstone along with the prongs. This design is derived from the old cathedral architecture. This ring setting derives its name from its distinct structure. The beautiful arches and intricate designs of an old cathedral are amazingly adopted to make different designs in this ring setting. It is very popular due to its intricate cathedral-like design, popularly having the shank, shoulders, and beautiful cathedral arches. There are a lot of variations available, some also come with side stones that add to the elegance.
Since the gem is secured between the bands and the arches, it offers a good protection to your diamond. Its prong setting and sleek design adds elegance and gives a vintage style look to your engagement ring. It gives more protection to the stone than a normal prong style ring. The setting gives a petite and beautiful look to the diamond/stone in the ring. It gives a mount or a height effect, which is good especially for small stones. Particularly, princess-cut diamonds and solitaires look beautiful with this ring setting. The setting looks good with side stones, while also not reducing the emphasis of the main stone.
It might be difficult to clean sometimes, especially the hollow space between the prongs and the arches. This setting does not go well with a large gemstone, since it may appear that you're seeking more attention. The ring setting is such that is might scratch the surface. Thus, it is not suitable for people in medical or related fields. Often, they prefer to have a simple bezel-style ring, as they cannot risk brushing the stone against any surface. This setting is such that it might get stuck in something, if you're not careful when wearing the ring.
Cathedral setting rings made in gold, silver, or platinum look good. Many websites offer you an option to design your own rings, where you can choose from the different styles available. The cathedral setting is very popular with engagement rings. Choose it considering its pros and cons, the ease of use, and the maintenance needed.

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