textured paint

Textured Paint

Apart from hiding the imperfections of the wall, a textured paint adds an artistic touch to your interiors. This article provides some information about the same.

Painting is one of the common and easiest ways to change the look of your interiors. If you want something special or artistic, a textured paint is a good option. You may either texture the wall and paint it, or paint the surfaces and use different things, like brushes, to create textures. You may also buy ready-made textured paint that has to be applied as per the instructions of the manufacturer. What is Textured Paint? A textured paint is perfect for creating the special effect you need for your interiors. You may either go for the premixed varieties, that contain small particles; or the smooth ones, that have to be applied with special tools, for achieving the desired patterns. Most of these paints come with an agent, which can be used along with the paint, to alter the smoothness or roughness. Textured paint is also available as durable synthetic resin, alkyd or flat-finish latex. Usually, flat-finish latex versions are used on ceilings, and they can be applied without primer. This type of paint is available in metallic shades too. You can select from finishes like gold, silver, and copper. You may also mix different paints to make a unique textured paint. However, consult the manufacturer before doing so. Faux finishes can also be created with this paint; but different tools are used for that purpose. The most popular among textured paint finishes are the granite crystals finish, sandstone, smooth texture paint, and venetian plaster. While granite crystal finish is achieved by adding granules to the paint, before application; sandstone finish comes as premixed paint, which has to be applied as per the manufacturer's instructions. With a smooth texture paint, you can create either high-peaked stipple effects or heavy ridge swirls. The venetian plaster look is obtained by applying three layers of this paint in three different techniques. Textured Paint Techniques Application of paint to create a texture, involves different techniques, that may vary with the desired effect. However, before applying the paint, the walls have to be prepared. It involves cleaning and drying, after removing loose wallpaper and paint peels. Prepare the wall for painting as per the instructions of the manufacturer. You may apply a textured paint, like any other ordinary paint. Start with cutting in the corners, and apply the paint with a roller. In case of a stucco paint, you have to use a trowel for application. By using trowels, you can also create circular swirls on the wall. Textured paint can be used to create small peaks. This can be achieved by using a rubber trowel. One of the popular texture painting techniques is stippling, which is done with textured rollers. In short, textured painting technique is used to redefine the looks of interiors. It is claimed that, these paints are long-lasting and are easy to use. Apart from that, it has insulating properties and needs less preparation. If you are interested in using a textured paint, visit a paint store and take a look at the different options. You many also seek the opinion of an expert.

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