tapping therapy

Tapping Therapy

A short account of tapping therapy techniques and their relevance in the treatment of various health problems are discussed below. The critics' views on the authenticity of this therapy are also presented below.

The tapping therapy has been one of the controversial topics of discussion in recent times. There are many supporters of this therapy, and also there are people who doubt its credibility. This therapy is a relatively new topic of study in the west. Most of them haven't even heard about it. What is Tapping Therapy? The tapping therapy or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is based on the concept of manipulating energy meridians in the body. This therapy is used to cure psychological problems by tapping the acupressure points. Tapping the specific acupressure points in the body while simultaneously focusing on a traumatic memory/given psychological problem helps cure the condition. This therapy is used to remove negative emotions, which disturb the energy field of the body. Meridian points present all over the body are tapped to provide relief from various health problems. Unlike the acupuncture techniques, needles are not used in this therapy. Weight Loss Treatment This therapy may also be used to resolve the problem of obesity, wherein the root cause of weight gain is treated. Negative emotions and thoughts present in the body obstruct the natural flow of energy. This energy gets trapped in the body which results into weight gain. Problem of binge eating, which is the main cause of obesity doesn't crop up without any reason. The trauma of past, emotional disturbances, stress, and many such factors contribute to this habit. Patients with such problems are first asked to meditate, after which specific places on the body are tapped. With the help of this treatment, the energy of the patient is said to get re-balanced. Anxiety Treatment Panic attacks and anxiety problems may be treated with this therapy. Anxiety or panic attacks can be very difficult to deal with. Whenever such attacks occur, they bring along them a series of problems which spiral out of control. To stay calm is almost impossible in such kind of situations. This therapy should first be practiced in times when there is no occurrence of attacks. Practicing on a regular basis should help make the person habitual to use these techniques. Thus, when a panic attack occurs one may easily employ the tapping therapy without much trouble. Deep breathing should be practiced simultaneously while using this therapy. It helps regulate the oxygen flow in the body. Both these measures together help bring the body to a normal state. Let's see what are tapping points:
Criticism The credibility of EFT cannot be provided by means of any scientific evidence. Critics have therefore termed this therapy as pseudoscientific. They have denied any possibility of meridians in the body getting manipulated with this therapy. However, the critics don't deny that people are benefited from the techniques. The relief attained from the use of this therapy (as per the critics) is based on the traditional components and are nothing more than the placebo effect. The information about EFT should help understand more about this easy to implement treatment. One should, however, consult an expert in this field to get authentic and relevant information about the use of this therapy. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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