starting a new school

Starting a New School

Put forth in this Buzzle write up, is some information that can prove as a useful guide for people who dream of starting a new school.

You will have to put in a lot of planning, hard work and sincere efforts. You will need to start planning all the financial and management related aspects, at least two years in advance. You could consult the officials of famous and established schools for some guidance, and for getting any doubts cleared. Setting Up the Infrastructure The first step is to have an efficient infrastructure. Choosing an appropriate location is very important. Preferably, choose a location which is in the heart of the city. The first thing to do is to get a sanction from the government authorities, without which you cannot go ahead with your plans. The chairman of the board members has to take the initiative in obtaining the sanction letter. Get the design and structure designed from an expert, well in advance, to avoid any problems creeping up during the actual construction. The design for the construction will be prepared as per the decided strength of students, teaching staff, management people and the working staff. It is important to have quality people on board, because unskilled employees can diminish the image created by the management. Take special care of the safety of students and employees, by having a sound security system. There are innumerable small, but very important things to be taken care of, while designing the interior. The accounts department, creative department and the human resource management departments should be separate, and should be under the control of the management. As per government norms and rules, there should be a playground, fun and games area, assembly space, rooms or amphitheater for musical shows and orchestras, parking space for vehicles and an open space for various activities. Facilities like libraries, pick up and drop off bus facility for students and teachers, offering competitive salaries to retain talented employees, having meeting and conference halls, etc., will help in making your school one of the best, in a short period of time. Only after getting the sanction letter, can you start recruiting the teaching staff, non teaching staff and the other employees, as per their merit. The number of classrooms will naturally increase, if you plan to have classes up to the high-school level. Get the expensive and precious materials insured from a reputed insurance organization. Have good quality furniture and also an emergency tackling system, but see to it that you do not exceed your budget, while setting up the infrastructure. Select a nice name for your school by having a public opinion poll. Advertise in the newspapers for admissions to different classes. Ensure that the parents interested in getting their kids enrolled in your school, have complete knowledge of the facilities and the kind of environment that you will be providing for their children. It is better to conduct an entrance screening examination, to set a high standard. Decide on decent and attractive uniforms for your students, so that they look smart. When all these things are done, you can start with a grand inaugural celebration, by inviting some special guests. It is advisable to follow all the rules and regulations laid down by the education ministry regarding the syllabus to be taught, extra courses to be held, the method of teaching, number of hours, and the roles of the teachers and the students. One should also have the vision, mission, and the school song ready to instill a sense of belonging in the students and teachers. Managing the School on a Daily Basis As stated above, the decisions of the management should be final and binding on all students and teachers. The management should ensure that no rule is passed, which may create inconvenience for these people. The principal and senior teachers should personally take care of attendance, examinations, performance of students, student behavior and related things. Conduct parent-teacher meetings to give parents the feedback on their child's abilities. Financial gains should not be your sole motive. Try to provide your students with everything that you can, to make them good citizens of the country. Doing this will create a good reputation of your school in the society.

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