spider monkey facts

Spider Monkey Facts

Spider monkeys are 'trapeze artists' of the jungle and can swing between trees at high speed, using their strong, prehensile tail. They are intelligent animals that carefully choose their trees to sleep in. They also show amazing fission-fusion foraging pattern...

Spider monkeys are found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, as well as in regions as far north as Mexico. They dwell in evergreen rainforests, mangrove forests and even lowland to mountain forests. These monkeys prefer wet forests, rather than dry regions, and are mostly found living in the upper canopy, almost never coming near the ground. The spider monkey is considered to be a primitive New World monkey, which means they originated in the North or South America. Spider monkeys love to hang upside down from trees, with the help of their strong, prehensile tails. The spider-like formation they make while hanging from trees, is what gives them the name 'spider monkey'. These 3 to 5 feet tall primates use their strong tails to swing at high speed, from tree to tree. The color of the fur ranges from ruddy gold to brown to black. Hair is coarse and stringy and is absent from the face. They also lack underfur. Baby spider monkeys are black in color and their fur color changes only after they finish the nursing stage.
Quick Facts about Spider Monkeys
♦ Largest of all New World monkeys. ♦ Also known as the 'trapeze artists' of the jungle, these monkeys are also the most agile. ♦ Spider monkeys have an extra hand or fifth limb, which is its prehensile tail. ♦ They have the strongest tail in the animal kingdom. ♦ They lack the presence of a thumb, but have four long fingers shaped like a hook. ♦ Arboreal by nature, these monkeys rarely set their foot on the forest floor. ♦ They choose special trees to sleep through the night. ♦ Black-headed spider monkeys are the largest of all spider monkeys. ♦ Brain weighs 107 grams and is double the size of the brain of the howler monkey, who is approximately the same size of a spider monkey. ♦ Spider monkeys hug each other as a greeting gesture, and will even wrap their tails around each other in an affectionate manner, at group reunions. ♦ Male spider monkeys mark their territories with secretions from their chest glands. ♦ Female spider monkeys are responsible for leading the troop during food hunt. She has a specific route in mind and leads the troop on the planned route. ♦ Baby spider monkeys wrap their little tails around the tails of their mothers for security! ♦ Lifespan in the wild is 22 to 25 years, while in captivity, it is 35 years.
Spider Monkey Facts
Arboreal acrobats... Spider monkeys spend most of their time on trees. They prefer undisturbed high forests, where they will not only find enough food, but can also sleep in the forest canopy, without the fear of being attacked by predators. They use all four limbs and their strong tails to swing through trees. Their flexible shoulder joints also help them swing easily. Their binocular vision helps them gauge the sense of depth, thereby enabling them to make accurate jumps between trees. However, this does not mean they can't move on the ground. They walk on the ground using their two legs. Their tail helps maintain balance while walking.
Who needs a thumb... Spider monkeys do not possess a thumb (although the metatarsal exists), and possess only four fingers which are curved to resemble a hook. This hook-like adaptation helps them grasp branches better. In fact, the genus name Ateles itself means 'imperfect', because of the absence of thumb. However, the absence of thumb is an adaptation, not an imperfection and facilitates grasping branches better. Since the thumb is absent, grooming is not full-fledged as seen in the case of other monkeys.
Strongest tail in the animal kingdom... Spider monkeys possess a prehensile tail, which acts nothing less than a fifth limb. It is longer than the rest of the body and can measure around 90 cm in length. The tail is strong enough to support more than the animal's body weight. At the tip of the tail exists a friction pad (devoid of fur or hair), which provides better grip while swinging between branches. This hairless portion is unique to every monkey. So if you ask a spider monkey to sign his will, he will give you his tail print!
Diurnal dudes... Spider monkeys are diurnal, which means they are active during the day. Every morning, these monkeys split into groups or troops (25-40), and go looking for their food. Days when food is not enough, they split into smaller groups (since trees have limited fruit). This is called fission-fusion foraging pattern. To avoid quarreling they make sure they remain in their own respective territories.
Fruity food... 90% of a spider monkey's diet, mainly comprises ripe fruits and seeds. Their tails help them suspend from branches and reach out for fruits. Spider monkeys are responsible for scattering seeds in the forest and are indirectly assisting in pollination. However, they also feed on leaves, nuts, flowers, bird's eggs, insects and barks of trees. They also enjoy licking up all the larvae and bugs they can find in rotting tree trunks.
Selecting sleeping trees... Spider monkeys choose special trees for their slumber. They sleep in the forks of branches, so that in case a predator comes at night, they will be alerted by the slightest movement. The monkeys gather together at the sleeping site at about dusk.
Spidy Hugs... Due to fission-fusion foraging pattern, spider monkeys change several groups. When these groups happen to meet, spider monkeys greet each other with hugs. These hugs are meant to cool down any kind of aggression and maintain peace in the monkey community.
Communication calls... Spider monkeys bark when threatened. They bark in the direction of the threat, to warn others from going in that direction. They also break off branches and throw them down to scare off predators or intruders. They are also heard whining like horses, screaming, making sobbing noises, etc.
Reproductive patterns... Male spider monkeys reach sexual maturity at the age of 5, while females hit sexual maturity at the age of 4. They have no particular breeding season and breed all the year round. Female monkeys only give birth once every 3 to 4 years. After a gestation period of 7 months, a baby spider monkey is born.
Raising the young... Males have nothing to do with raising the young. The sole responsibility lies with the mother. The baby clings to the belly of the mother for about 4-5 months, after which the baby is transferred to the back of the mother, for another 6 months. They depend on their mother's milk for about 2 years. The mother takes care till the baby attains 3 years of age.
Destruction of rainforests has spearheaded the disappearance of several spider monkeys. Sadly, man is their greatest enemy. Besides destroying their habitat, man is also responsible for dragging these glorious animals into the lucrative pet trade. People even hunt them down for their meat. The low maturation and reproduction rates of these mammals, has made them even more vulnerable to extinction.

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