baby turtle care

Baby Turtle Care

If you have a tiny baby turtle as a pet, then the basic care guide given in this article will prove to be useful. Read on to know more about how to care for pet baby turtles.

Baby turtles are cute little creatures that require totally different and more proper care as opposed to adult turtles. They are prone to many diseases and host many disease-carrying germs. Thus, never forget to wash your hands with soap after handling them, which must also be done by kids. They need gentle care and a child should be allowed to hold one only under adult supervision. The following paragraphs cover some tips related to basic care for a pet baby turtle. Housing Requirements It cannot be kept in a fish tank and forgotten. You need to provide the baby turtle with proper care and specific housing requirements for its survival. It should not be allowed to run freely around the house as one may step on it by mistake (since it is only a few inches in size). You need to fill an aquarium with water that is about a level taller than the width of the turtle. You should keep rocks in the aquarium to create a land-like atmosphere. The turtle should have enough land and water area, that is, one-third basking area and two-thirds of swimming place. The water and air temperatures should be about 85 degrees F, and not too cold or hot. You need to provide it with a basking lamp to bask. The aquarium environment should be cheerful. Feeding You need to feed the turtle with turtle foods available at pet stores. However, this will not be enough for your pet. You need to feed it some green leafy vegetables, earthworms, small fish, and even a tiny slice of fruit. You should observe the uneaten food after feedings and understand what your pet likes the most. Basic care involves feeding the pet two or three times a day, every day. Cleaning the Aquarium The aquarium needs to be clean at all times. You need to remove any uneaten food from it immediately. Otherwise, the food will rot and the turtle will become sick. You should rinse the turtle with warm water after feeding as food leftovers stuck to the body may lead to infections. You need to clean the water of the aquarium daily or use a filtration system. Make sure the droppings are removed every day. Handling the Baby Turtle You need to remember that the turtle's shell is very soft, and any incorrect handling may injure or kill it. You should avoid picking up the turtle and if you need to take it for a wash, follow these steps. You need to pick up the turtle like a hamburger, with two hands and the fingers beneath the shell. The thumb should be placed on the top of the shell. Never ever squeeze the turtle. Health They are highly susceptible to respiratory ailments due to temperature change or improper diet. You may observe a bubbly, runny nose or gasping sounds. The baby needs to be kept in a warm temperature for quick recovery. You should consult a vet regarding any doubts related to its health and take your pet for regular health check ups. A baby pet turtle requires a lot of hard work and a dedicated owner. It will survive for many decades under good care, and only if you are ready for years of responsibility should you bring one home.

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