avocado face mask recipe

Avocado Face Mask Recipes

There are innumerable face masks available in the market, however, just a couple of them give what they promise, a healthy, glowing skin. If you are tired of these commercial creams, then you should try any of the following avocado face masks, and see the difference for yourself.

Everyone dreams of a soft, glowing, and smooth skin. However, this dream may not get fulfilled due to various reasons. First of all, there is a lot of physical as well as mental stress we experience every day, and this stress affects the skin along with one's mind and soul. Furthermore, pollution, improper eating habits, smoking, drinking, etc., are some factors that make the matters worse, and leave your skin dry and flaky at the end of the day. There are many face masks, which can decrease the damage, however, here also one makes the wrong choice by choosing ready-made face masks that contain harmful chemicals. Instead of making the skin healthy, they increase its dryness. The best way out is a homemade face mask. Fruits like avocado contain many nutrients useful for the body, which makes the skin healthy without any side effects. Benefits
  • As stated earlier, avocado contains many nutrients, like, vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, zinc, copper, etc. These nutrients help to keep the skin healthy, and hence, nutritionists advise to use avocado in some way to reap its benefits.
  • The most important benefit of homemade avocado mask is that, it moisturizes the skin and keeps it soft for long.
  • Avocado oil increases the production of collagen, thereby preventing the skin from aging.
  • This mask also contains sterolins, which help to reduce age spots.
  • This face mask is high in potassium and minerals, which restore the elasticity of the skin without causing any damage.
  • It soothes the skin while cleansing the sticky dirt.
  • The mask is also known to make the face vibrant and wrinkle-free.
These were some of the major benefits of the homemade avocado facial mask. The following are some easy recipes for making such a mask. Homemade Avocado Mask Recipe #1 Ingredients
  • ½ medium ripe avocado
  • 1 tbsp natural yogurt
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp natural honey
Preparation This is one of the best masks for dry skin. Firstly, mash the avocado with the help of a fork until creamy. Add honey to the mashed fruit, mix well, and then add in yogurt. Blend the mixture well, until smooth. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply the mask on your face and neck, and massage in circular motion for a few minutes. Place the cucumber slices on both the eyes. Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes then wash thoroughly, pat dry. Recipe #2 Ingredients
  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp yogurt
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 spa facial clay
  • ½ cup heavy cream
Preparation Cut the avocado, mash half of it, and store the remaining part. Add sesame oil and yogurt, and blend the mixture until a creamy paste is formed. Add heavy cream and a beaten egg along with honey, and stir well. Apply this mask on the face, leave for 5 minutes, and wash off with warm water. You can make one more mask by mixing the remaining fruit with the egg, spa facial clay, and witch hazel. Blend this mixture until a smooth paste is formed. Wash the face with water, pat dry, and then apply this mask on the face and neck. Massage in circular motion; ensure to avoid eye contact. Leave the mask on the face for 30 minutes, and rinse off with warm washcloth. This is one of the best masks for oily skin. You can try any of the above recipes, and then decide the best one for yourself. So, with these recipes at hand, you can keep your skin healthy as well as save money!

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