simple tattoos

Simple Tattoos

Sometimes, a simple and uncomplicated tattoo can look more appealing or cute than the one with intrinsic designs and patterns. So, find out about some simple, yet elegant tattoos, in this Buzzle article.

The popularity of tattoos seems to be increasing day by day, and so is the number of people eager to experiment with this ancient, but still cherished body art. However, not everyone likes to invest a lot of time in the large and bold tattoos with intricate designs. Moreover, if the tattoos do not turn out to be what they expected, then imagine all the trouble that has to be taken for its removal. This is the reason why so many people like to go for the designs that look attractive, and express a lot without being conspicuous. Simple Yet Beautiful Tattoos Star Tattoos These are perhaps one of the simplest, yet favorite tattoo designs for both men and women. Star tattoos seem to have a charm of their own, despite the simplicity of their designs. However, there are many different variations of this tattoo. For example, you can go for the nautical star, or moon star, or the shooting star.
Stars could symbolize different things in different cultures. But the shooting star is usually associated with success, luck, and 'wishes coming true', while the nautical star was once used by the sailors as a symbol of protection and guidance. This is because the nautical or the north star was the only means in those days, with which the sailors and travelers could find their route. Heart Tattoos
You can combine a heart tattoo with red rose, or flames to make it more striking. The cupid heart can also look really adorable. Apart from these, you can find a number of simple designs created by including a heart. A winged heart, a bleeding heart, a heart with a dagger, or the Celtic heart are some good examples of simple heart tattoos. Butterfly Tattoos
Though simple, the butterfly tattoos have a deep symbolic meaning. The way an ugly caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly is seen as a symbol of rebirth and transformation. In this regard, such a tattoo can be truly inspirational. Butterflies also stand for freedom and symbolize the soul. In China, two butterflies fluttering together is regarded as a symbol of love. Butterfly tattoos can look really beautiful, if they are combined with flowers, leaves, and tendrils. However, a simple butterfly tattoo can also look fascinating, especially when it is placed on the ankle or the shoulder. Dolphin Tattoos
This cute and friendly aquatic mammal represents joy and exuberance. This free-spirited animal seems to tell us the importance of having fun. Dolphins are a symbol of abundance and benevolence. Dolphin tattoos can be made in different shapes, such as oblong, curved, and horizontal. The curved dolphin tattoo can look amazing, if placed around the ankle or bellybutton. You can also combine this tattoo with tribal or Celtic tattoo designs. Flower and Vine Tattoos
With increasing popularity of flower symbolism, flower tattoos have become a craze, especially among women who prefer delicate feminine designs. Some of the most commonly used flowers for making tattoos are roses, lotus, lilies, cherry blossoms, sunflower, peonies, and daisies. Besides their delicate beauty, flowers could mean a lot of things. For example, roses speak about love and passion, while lotus symbolizes spirituality in both Indian and Chinese culture. Cherry blossoms are usually used in Asian tattoo designs, and they stand for love, beauty, and transitivity of life. Lilies on the other hand, are a symbol of purity. Flower tattoos can look more adorable when they are combined with vines and tendrils. Cross Tattoos
These tattoos are mostly preferred by men. There are many types of crosses, and some of them are religious in nature. For example, the Latin cross is the religious symbol of Christianity, and is perfect for someone wanting to express his or her religious belief. But this is not the only option for a cross tattoo. Apart from the Latin cross, you can go for the Celtic cross, pre-Christian cross, Gothic cross, and tribal cross tattoos. The cross was the symbol of power in many ancient tribal cultures of the world. Zodiac Tattoos
The believers in astrology can find the zodiac tattoos quite simple, yet amazing. However, before going for a zodiac tattoo, you may want to have some basic knowledge about the 12 zodiac signs, and the colors and elements associated with them. There are four elements - earth, wind, water, and fire, which are associated with each specific zodiac sign. Again, each zodiac sign has a color of its own and a motto. So, you may like to combine the element and the color with the specific zodiac sign to create a unique tattoo for yourself. These are only a few ideas for a simple tattoo. Besides them, you can find out many other simple, yet elegant designs, like the dragonfly, fairies, simple tribal tattoos, and the sun and angel tattoos to name a few. No matter what type of tattoo you choose to adorn your body, be sure to select the right color combination to enhance its visual appeal, along with the perfect design that can make it a style statement.

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