signs of depression in women

Signs of Depression in Women

Medical fraternity believes that women are more prone to depression than men. Even the signs and the way it affects them is quite different in women than in men. Read on to know more about them.

Although, there are no major differences in the symptoms of depression in women and men, it has been proven by medical studies that women tend to be more prone to depression in their lifetime than men. This trend of depression in women has been suggested irrespective of culture, ethnicity, nationality and economic divide. Signs of depression in women vary from psychological reasons like feeling of despair and meaninglessness to physical signs of depression like unexplained aches and pains. Emotional and Physical Signs of Depression in Women One of the first major depression signs in women is the feeling of hopelessness and frequent mood swings. An irritated and depressed mood, that seldom leads to smiles, laughter and happiness is considered to be a hint towards being depressed. Some of the most evident signs of depression in women appear in the form of many physical problems. Weight changes and appetite are some of the initial signs of possible depression problems in women. Due to depression there is an increase or decrease of appetite, changes in eating habits leading to increase or decrease in weight. Added to these signs of depression are those that are related to the women's health. In many cases, biological changes in the body can prove to be a cause of depression in women. Hormonal changes during menstruation and sometimes during pregnancy can also trigger the risk of depression in women. Even women who're on the verge of experiencing menopause may find drastic changes in their moods. This may be very often due to the result of biological changes in the body. Given below are some of the most evident signs of clinical depression in women.
  • Consistent sad and anxious mood that leads to unhappiness and irritability in daily life activities.
  • Chronic pain, digestive problems, headaches that don't go away even after being treated by medicine.
  • A feeling of being lost in the world with frequent episodes of mood swings, difficulty concentrating, remembering and taking better decisions.
  • Extreme loss of energy even without much physical activity. Feeling of fatigue and slowing down at work due to lack of energy.
  • Due to change in appetite, there are either weight gain issues or weight loss episodes experienced during this phase.
  • Changes in sleeping habit leading to staying up late till night and waking up quite early in the morning.
  • An unexplainable feeling of guilt, despair, feeling of worthlessness in life. A sort of existential crisis, wherein identity seems to be diluted.
  • Loss of pleasure in life and trouble resuming normal activities like sports, games, music, dance and other hobbies seem a dull chore.
  • Loss of libido or sudden lack of interest in sex.
  • Anxiety that is often prolonged and shows in the form of restlessness and upset mind always grips the mind.
A psychologist can evaluate several symptoms and advise treatment measures by considering the intensity of the problem. Understanding depression in women is a major research area in this field. Genetic, hormonal, reproductive, emotional abuse, bad relationships problems, interpersonal relationships and various other factors are studied deeply for understanding depression in women from a broader perspective.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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