significance and important facts about the boer wars

Significance and Important Facts About the Boer Wars

The Boer Wars played an important part in cementing the position of Great Britain as a global empire. This article tells you about the significance of the Boer Wars, that led to the union of South Africa.

Weapons Used in Both Wars
In the first Boer war, the only weapons that the Boers possessed were hunting rifles and horses. The rifles consisted of the Westley Richards, the Martini-Henry, the Winchester, the Swiss Vetterliand, and the Snider-Enfield. In the second Boer war, the commandos of Transvaal used Mauser rifles, the latest Krupp field guns, and Le Creusot Long Tom siege guns.
The Boer Wars played a big role in cementing Britain's role on the global map. The tactics of guerrilla warfare used by the Boers were carried into the 20th century. The Boers themselves, refer to these wars as the Freedom Wars.

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