shoes that are bad for your feet

Shoes that Are Bad for Your Feet

Everyone knows how stilettos are bad for the feet, but so are flats and running shoes! This article elucidates the podiatric problems related to certain shoes, and what you can do to obviate them.

What happens when the wrong shoes are worn for a long period? One may suffer from blisters, corns, hard keratin buildup, pinched nerves, capsulitis, Achilles tendinitis, and many more such painful podiatric problems.
Wearing shoes every day is inevitable. However, numerous studies conducted by many podiatric authorities say that going barefoot is the best option. Due to obvious reasons, we cannot start walking on the road barefooted. But we can go in for foot massages and rubs to ease the tension in our feet. We can also wear shoes that are less damaging to our feet. Shoes, like sports shoes and flip-flops are bad for our feet, but they are not as bad as stilettos or closed-toe shoes, like pumps, ballerinas, or dress shoes. Which shoes are no-good for your feet? Why are most types of shoes bad for you? The answer to these questions has been elaborated in the passages below.
Wrong Shoes - Problems and Solutions
Stilettos and Wedges
Problems They force the foot to take an unnatural position, putting pressure and stress on the balls of the feet and the Achilles tendon. If the heel is too thin and high, chances of spraining or getting a hairline fracture are high. It also causes tension to build up at the back of the foot, causing a painful bony protrusion called "pump bump" to arise. Common foot woes, like blisters, swelling, and bursitis are also experienced. Bunions and toe deformities may develop if the shoe is not of the right size.
Solutions Switch over to low heels of 2 inches in height or block heels. Always wear shoes that provide enough arch support. Foot rubs, massages, soaks, etc., are very helpful. If your feet are in a lot of pain, you could try wearing orthotic slippers at home. Choose a pair of wedges with a low heel and whose incline is not very high. Always buy shoes of your size.
Ballerinas and Flats
Problems As they do not provide any arch support, pain in the knees, back, and hips may arise due to pressure on your plantar fascia. Plantar fasciitis is caused due to wearing ballerinas or flats on an everyday basis. Flats do not protect the feet; therefore, the wearer may experience scrapes, cuts, and splinters.
Solutions Wear your ballerinas or flats with over-the-counter orthotic inserts. Stretch your foot to relieve some of the tension that gets built up in it. If you are planning to stick to open flats, you could try those that have a slight elevation to them, like toning shoes that fit well, as they will protect the under part of your feet from getting injured.
Pointed-toe Office Shoes
Problems Bunions, corns, and blisters are very common problems faced by men and women wearing pointed-toe shoes to work. Toe deformities due to them being pressed together for a long time may arise. Pointed shoes put too much pressure on the toes, causing pincer-type nails, hammerhead toes, and very painful and rigid toe ends.
Solutions Switch to comfortable toe box shoes, like loafers or oxfords. Women can also wear rounded-toe shoes, which do not restrict the movement of the toes. The shoes should be soft and flexible to prevent any other problems from arising. If the bunions are too painful, or the toes are too rigid, corrective surgery may be recommended by many podiatrists.
Running Shoes
Problems Wearing soft and light running shoes can cause shock to the knees, every time you land on your feet. Running shoes prevent the feet from flexing and causing unwanted stress on the plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, ankle bone, and calf muscles. Athlete's foot is also common with those who wear soft and cushioned variety of running shoes.
Solutions Those with flat feet should opt for running shoes with insoles to provide arch support. Wearing hard-bottomed running shoes are better than the soft-bottomed ones, as they lessen the impact on the knees. Wear shoes whose soles do not twist with every step you take. Shoes that are purchased should have a good ankle and plantar fascia support to avoid injuries while running or walking. If you run daily, you should relax your feet every night. When you want to choose walking shoes that are required for daily use, look for the ones with proper arch support and cushioning.
We cannot go barefooted everywhere. So, wearing the right shoes and walking the right way are the only solutions to counter any foot problem. Men and women should take care of their feet by relaxing them in a tub of warm water with some salt in it. Massages and foot spas should be indulged in once in a while to relieve the tension and stress your feet go through, when you walk or wear tight shoes. When you walk, remember to land on your heel first, as it does not cause injuries to your other body parts.

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Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
Управлять устройствами легко, панель с кнопками не поставит геймера в тупик.
Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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Удивительно роскошный отдых прямо по соседству.

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Азартные приключения предназначены для удовольствия, а не разочарования, поэтому вносите на игровой счет только ту сумму, с которой не жалко расставаться.