science fair ideas for 7th graders

Science Fair Ideas for 7th Graders

Working on thought-provoking and fun experiments gives kids an opportunity to learn new subjects, and understand how things work. Read the Buzzle article for some wonderful science fair ideas for 7th graders in topics like zoology, earth science, and behavioral science.

For kids in the second year of middle school, give them some hands-on understanding of how different elements affect an outcome of the experiment. This way, they can put whatever they've learned in school and use it in these experiments to come up with their findings. Here are some great science projects divided into different categories. Zoology Zoology is technically a branch of biology only which concentrates on animals' functions, behavioral patterns, their evolution, and anatomical structure. Let's see which projects we can work on. Experiment #1 Do ants have a special preference on the types of food they like to eat? The idea behind this experiment is to see if ants are attracted to or favor certain flavors of foods. To conduct the experiment, gather various types of flavors like adding sweet, salty, sour, and bitter flavors in deionized water. Lay out your materials and complete the experiment to get a conclusion. Experiment #2 Are hamsters territorial? The idea behind this experiment is to see if hamsters are social or territorial pets. To conduct the experiment, you will need to get at least 10-12 hamsters and place them in cages in order to observe their behavioral pattern. In order to see a change in behavior, keep a pair of hamsters in one cage with 1 or 2 dependent variables such as feeding trays, water dispensers, and running wheels. By providing only 1 of these variables for a pair of hamsters in 1 cage, observe if these animals become aggressive, violent, or peacefully share them among each other. Earth Science Often known as geoscience, the study of Earth science consists of everything and anything related to our planet Earth. Experiment #1 How does lava flow when a volcano erupts? The idea behind this experiment is to show how lava (in this case mud) flows from the volcano after eruption. With this experiment, kids can learn how the flow of lava can affect and destroy everything in its path. To understand the technicalities behind the workings of a volcano, you can read the article on why do volcanoes erupt. Experiment #2 How does the formation of fog occur? The idea behind this experiment is to simulate fog with the help of 2 glass bottles that have a narrow top. To conduct this experiment, get 2 bottles and fill the bottom of first bottle with cold water and the other with hot water. Now the reason here is because there are 2 different kinds of fog: advection fog (change in temperature) and radiation fog (transfer of energy in forms of waves/rays). Next you will place an ice cube on each bottle and observe if the formation of fog occurs in any of these bottles. Record your findings and explain the reasons. Behavioral Science Behavioral science concentrates on human and animal activities and interactions between one another in our world. These behavioral science experiments, given below, have something to with just that. Experiment #1 Are boys better at multitasking than girls? The idea behind our first experiment is to see which of these sexes can perform more tasks at a time. We all perform so many tasks during the day like reading a book, magazine, or newspaper and drinking coffee or eating breakfast. So divide the class to make 2 groups, give them various activities to perform at the same time, and observe them. See what you can conclude after the experiment is over. Experiment #2 Compare the drawing skills between boys and girls. The idea behind this project is to see if girls are better at drawing than boys or not. Gather the materials like paper, canvas, pencils, crayons, water colors, oil paint, etc. and give them to everyone in the class. Now give them an hour's time and let them draw a basket filled with fruits, collection of various vases, or a portrait of some cartoon. But everyone will draw the same thing. At the end of the experiment, check which team has the maximum number of accurate drawings and conclude your hypothesis.

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