scavenger hunt riddles

Scavenger Hunt Riddles

Whether you have a party at home or feel like jazzing up your weekend, playing scavenger hunt is quite energizing. Let us help you come up with challenging riddles for whenever the mood for a hunt rises...

Are you bored? Not much to do around the house? Friends are over and you have no idea how to entertain them? Well, how about a game of scavenger hunt? The game can be played amongst small and large groups of people. This is one game which can be played indoors and outdoors. There is no age limit for the game so everyone can equally participate and have tons of fun. Remember to prepare/make the scavenger hunt riddles first, make copies, and explain the rules to everyone. The player/team that solves all the clues first, wins.
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
For rainy afternoons, spend the day inside playing scavenger hunt with family and friends. The difficulty levels will vary, depending on the players' ages. These riddles will help the players find items in and around the house to make the game more interesting.
» My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow, and wind is my foe.
» What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it?
» Runs, but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face.
» Throughout history, there have been thousands of well-documented cases of horses jumping over towers and landing on clergy and small men, forcing their removal. What am I?
» What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
» Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
» I am so simple that I only point; yet I guide men all over the world.
Outdoor Picture Scavenger Hunt
It's fun conducting outdoor scavenger hunts as it gives kids and adults a chance to spend the day outside the house. Depending on who the players are, you can organize the hunt at a park, around the neighborhood, or any other location near your house.
» Fire and flames
» Wet and wild
Swimming Pool
» Back and forth
» Green and alive
» Creepy-crawlies
» Fragrant and colorful
» Rough and brown
» Skip stones and splash
» Shelter and flight
Bird house
Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
As there are 7 colors in the rainbow, we want to make these colors the focus of the riddles. The clues will try to describe all 7 colors and the players will have to solve the riddle and find the items. You can play this game inside or outside the house. Also, if there are more than 4-5 players, give each player a disposable camera and have them take pictures once they find what the items are.
Something SWEET and ROUND
Bugs Bunny's favorite food
Keep hands dry with...
PVC Hand Gloves
As BEAUTIFUL and BLUE as the...
What's Crayola color #47
7th color of the rainbow
Halloween Scavenger Hunt
During Halloween, organizing a spooky hunt can be really exciting. Plus, if you're having a party, then your guests will have something interesting to look forward to. Try these riddles to make your hunt fun.
What a baby ghost wears on Halloween?
A pillowcase
What you get when you drop a pumpkin?
What do you get when you divide the diameter of a Jack-o'-lantern by its circumference?
Pumpkin Pi (pumpkin pie)
Dracula's favorite pet.
Bloodhound (toy bloodhound)
You can tell windows are scared when they get these.
Shudders (Shutters)
The kind of witch that lives at the beach.
Sand-witch (Sandwich)
What does a vampire become at a baseball game?
A bat
The kind of service witches ask for at a hotel.
Broom Service (Broom)
What mummies use, to hide themselves?
Masking Tape
Easter Scavenger Hunt
Easter is another holiday where family and friends get together. So why not make the day merrier with a scavenger hunt dedicated to the holiday. Take a look at these riddles to include in your hunt.
Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
He was having a bad hare day
How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat?
A hare brush
What kind of books do rabbits like?
Ones having 'hoppy' endings!
Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a good joke?
It might crack up
Why does the Easter Bunny have a shiny nose?
Because the powder puff is on another end
How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good?
With hare spray
I have head and tail, but no legs. I am that for which the beggar begs.
The game is interesting and essentially, thought-provoking. It helps kids think outside the box and really understand what the clues are trying to say. Plus, it's a great way for adults to relive their childhood days. So what are you waiting for? Let the games begin.

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