rectal prolapse treatment

Rectal Prolapse Treatment

Treatment for this medical condition generally involves use of surgical procedures, to reattach the displaced rectum to its normal position. For minor cases, following a healthy diet and use of stool softeners may help to resolve the issue.

Rectum is a term that is used to describe the lower section of the colon (large intestine). This last part of the colon is around 6 inches long and extends up to the anus. Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectum gets displaced from its normal position. Painful bowel movement is one of the most common symptoms of this medical condition. Types Rectal prolapse is categorized into 3 types, depending upon how much rectum has protruded out of the anus. Following are the sub types given below: Complete Rectal Prolapse: This is the most severe form in which the entire rectal wall is seen protruding through the anal activity. Mucosal or Partial Rectal Prolapse: Here only the rectal mucosa (mucus-secreting membrane lining the rectum) freely hangs from the anus. Internal Prolapse: This is the early stage of this condition, in which only the tissue of the rectum is lightly displaced, but does not come out of the anus. Treatment Use of anti-inflammatory medicines and ointments is an integral part of this treatment, to reduce the swelling and the pain associated with bowel movement. Other treatment options that may be recommended to deal with this condition are given below: Stool Softeners For partial prolapse of the rectum, use of natural stool softeners is a good option. Stool softeners can reduce constipation and promote smooth bowel movement. A softened stool does not put any pressure on the rectum during bowel movement, thus not allowing to aggravate the problem. This form of treatment is successful, only if the condition is detected in its early stages of development. Diet When this bowel condition is in its primary stage, diet modification is crucial to prevent it from advancing to later stages. A diet plan that keeps the patient away from constipation, needs to be adopted. In order to prevent constipation, choosing foods high in fiber is important. Including plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet, will promote normal bowel movement and ease the discomfort. Drinking plenty of water (8 glasses per day) is also very important to soften the stools and allow them to pass easily through the colon and the rectum. Enema Use of enemas or suppositories may also be beneficial to reduce the symptoms of this condition. Basically, enema tries to stimulate bowel movement to remove fecal matter without causing any difficulty. Surgery In case the condition progresses to complete prolapse, surgical intervention is necessary to resolve the issue. Surgical procedure involves either removing the protruding rectum through an incision or reattaching it to a bony structure, known as sacrum (tailbone). Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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