psychology topics of interest

Psychology Topics of Interest

The psychology topics of interest discussed in the following article provide information about some of the important concepts. These interesting topics in psychology give an overview of the different aspects of human behavior.

An interesting field/branch of science which studies mental processes in a scientific way, psychology incorporates many different subjects or topics that are interesting to study. Let us have a look at some of the interesting topics of this branch of science. What is Psychology? The scientific study of behavior and mental functions of humans and animals as well is defined as psychology. Apart from the scientific techniques/methods, critical analysis and symbolic interpretation are the tools used by psychologists for studying human behavior; all these techniques also find applications in psychotherapy. Psychology Topics of Interest The topics enlisted below are important since, most of them are studied as subjects for majors. ADHD: It is an abbreviated form of the term attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Co-existence of disorders, hyperactivity and attention problems is the characteristic of ADHD. It is a psychiatric disorder in children which is most commonly studied and diagnosed. As per studies, around 30-50% of those who are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood continue to exhibit the symptoms in adulthood. Bipolar Disorder: It is a psychological disorder in which patients suffer from both depressive episodes and abnormal elevated feelings, altogether termed as mania. This kind of extreme behavior is separated by normal states of mind. In few individuals the symptoms of mania and depression alternate rapidly. Cultural Variation: Cultural variations are known to influence the thinking process of individuals. An academic course known as 'Cross-Cultural Psychology' studies empirical, theoretical and applied issues which crop up when people from different cultural backgrounds interact socially. Eating Disorders: The disorders related to eating may have different underlying causes like anxiety depression, loneliness, anger, lack of self-esteem, etc. Thus, researchers who study eating disorders have to take help of tools used in psychology and neuroscience. Environmental Psychology: In this branch of psychology, interrelationships between human beings and their surroundings are studied. In terms of psychology, the word environment is defined broadly and incorporates the different components/factors like natural environment, built environment, social settings, informational environment and learning environment. Gender Role: A set of perceived behavioral norms associated with males or females in a particular social setting or group is termed as gender role. In areas of humanities and social sciences, gender is considered an important subject for study. The term gender role can also be described as the range of behaviors and subject which assists in defining a person's stereotypical identity. Infant and Adult Attachment: As per the attachment theory, it is necessary for a child to form a bond or develop relationship with his/her caregiver in order to develop emotionally and socially. Such an attachment between adults and infants assists in their normal development. Language: The term language is simply defined as the system which enables us to encode and decode information. It is also referred to as one of the forms of communication. Systematic creation and usage of symbols is an important part of using a language. Locus of Control: Beliefs of an individual which guide him/her to understand about causes behind good and bad things happening in the life are defined as locus of control. Memory: The mental ability of an individual to store, retain and recall the information is defined as memory. Mental illness: A behavioral or psychological pattern responsible for causing distress to an individual is termed as mental illness or disorder. PTSD: Any kind of psychological trauma affects or influences the mental state of a person long after the event responsible for trauma has elapsed. Chances are people who have already suffered from trauma develop anxiety disorder. This kind of severe anxiety disorder is termed as PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder). Resilience: The capacity of an individual to cope up with stress in a positive manner is defined as psychological resilience or simply resilience. Sexuality: The term sexuality is defined as a set of behaviors and activities associated with sexual intercourse, contact and psychological influence of these conditions/behaviors on the mind. Sleepwalking Cycle: It is a sleep-disorder in which an individual performs activities in his/her sleep, which he generally performs while being awake. The person is not exactly unconscious while in a sleep-walk, however, is unable to recall the sleep-walking episode. Stress: A situation, action or a mere thought which inflicts excessive pressure on the emotional and mental resources of a person leads to the condition called stress. Violence: It is the act of hurting others or oneself by means of physical and verbal force. Violence could be used as a tool to manipulate a person's behavior. The above article makes us aware of some of the interesting topics of psychology. Study of these psychology topics of interest bring forth the important psychological problems of today's world.

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