prunes vs plums

Prunes Vs. Plums

Ever since prunes were rechristened dried plums, there has been a whole lot of confusion over their real identity. In this Buzzle article, we have attempted to classify prunes from plums, and tell you exactly how they are different. Take a look!

Plum belongs to the plant genus, Prunus, that makes it a relative of peach, apricot, cherry, and almond. It can be eaten fresh, made into a juice, jam, wine, or dried. Moreover, it is a good source of Vitamin C, A, B2, and potassium. It is also rich in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, sodium, minerals, and amino acids. The confusion about prunes and plums is prominent, and many people aren't aware of the basics that constitute these two fruits. Though the answer is simple, that prunes are typically dried plums, people still aren't too sure. When the plums are dried, they are called prunes. The most common variety of plums that are turned into prunes are European plums.
Difference Between Prunes and Plums
As mentioned above, prunes are simply dried plums. However, there is still a little difference.
  • Plums that have been dried to make prunes are of a specific European variety, and not all plum varieties are dried to make prunes.
  • This variety of plums contains more fiber than other varieties, and is therefore, easier to dry. The high fiber content may have greater health benefits.
  • A prune may also be a fruit separate from a plum. Specific varieties such as Italian prunes are grown as prunes (also known as prune plums) and then dried to package them. As such, the dried prune was once a fresh prune and not the actual plum.
  • These prunes are different from plums. In this variety, the fruit does not stick to the seed in them and can be separated easily. On the other hand, the flesh of plums sticks to the seed and cannot be separated as easily.
  • When you see prune juice and plum juice in the supermarket, the difference between them lies in the fact that prune juice is dried plum juice, while plum juice is extracted from the fresh fruit. Both taste quite different from each other.
Prunes are sticky and chewy, while plums are fresh and juicy. The shriveled look of prunes is a stark contrast to the taut, bright skin that plums have. Plums vary in size, shapes, and color depending on the variety. The skin color of plums can be purple, blue-black, red, green, yellow, or orange.
Prunes may be a healthier choice because they have been dehydrated and the concentration of nutrients in them is greater. However, dehydration also increases the sugar concentration in prunes (as some amount of fermentation occurs, thereby creating sugars) and may make them higher in calories than fresh plums. They should therefore be consumed in moderation to derive maximum health benefits. There is no great difference in the nutritional profile of prunes and plums. Both are great sources of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants.
Health Benefits
Some of you may be concerned about the kind of prunes that you have been consuming. Since they are packaged, they may have certain preservatives. This is a genuine concern, and you will have to look out for prunes that do not have preservatives or any other additives (such as powdered sugar to enhance their sweetness) in them. Many people believe that eating the fresh fruit may be a better choice than its dried counterpart. While this preference may seem obvious, it may not always hold true in the case of prunes and plums. The nutritional value of prunes is immense, as are the health benefits. It is a great food to consume not only when you suffer from constipation, but also if you are trying to lose weight. The high fiber content in this fruit keeps you fuller for longer and reduces occurrences of binge eating. In effect, this is not an attempt to say that plums should not be consumed, but just that prunes also offer a lot in terms of health.
So this is how prunes are different from plums, though they are merely their dried varieties. Enjoy both prunes and plums not only for their health benefits, but also the deliciously different flavors that they offer. Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way advocate the benefit of one over the other.

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