phiten necklaces do they work

Do Phiten Necklaces Really Work?

Enamored by the cool Phiten necklaces flaunted by baseball players and now you wish to try them on, too. It is said that these necklaces possess therapeutic properties and healing powers. But, how true is it? Find out through this article.

Phiten necklaces have become a huge rage amongst baseball players and commoners, alike. This weird, yet cool accessory, has been made famous by baseball players like Joba Chamberlain of the New York Yankees, Josh Beckett of the Boston Red Sox, and athlete Paula Radcliffe. The infomercial for this product claims that it has immense therapeutic uses. While some people just sport these necklaces to imitate their favorite players, some others do swear by their efficacy. This efficiency, however, is sometimes questioned. The Phiten necklace is a product by a Japanese company Phi-Ten founded by Yoshihiro Hirata, a practitioner of alternative medicine. After successfully launching their product in Japan, the company entered the global market. The principle of this necklace is based upon the alignment of bio-currents in the human body. Nerve communication in the body takes place by means of electrical currents. Whenever a nerve triggers a thought process or any message, a current flows through the synapse. A smooth and free-flowing current is required for the physical and mental well-being of the body. When the body is tired due to physical and mental exhaustion, the electrical communication between the nerves is disrupted. As a result, you feel fatigued and tired. By wearing the Phiten necklace or jewelry, you can apparently re-align your bio-currents, so that the currents once again flow freely through your body. The end result is such that you feel rejuvenated and do not easily feel tired. The therapeutic properties of this necklace can be attributed to the use of titanium in it. Titanium is a great conductor of electricity, which enables it to interfere with the energy system of your body. By coming in contact with the body, it corrects the current that has supposedly flown haywire. This increases your blood circulation and provides relief to your muscles. Besides, minor shoulder pain and neck pain can also be corrected by wearing this necklace. You can also tie these strands around your wrist or ankles to improve the functioning in these areas. Although, FDA has not yet realized and approved the therapeutic value of this product, it has been widely marketed as a useful accessory for sportspeople as well as anyone who wishes to improve their body function. Do Phiten Necklaces Work There is no clinical evidence of any kind that can support the tall claims made by the manufacturers of this product. Experts believe that the product has placebo effect on our body. It is completely innocuous and has no physiological effect on our body. Positive feedback reported by the wearers can all be attributed to the psychological power rather than any physical effect. The wearers experienced a positive result after wearing the necklace because they believed in its healing power. The beauty of alternative medicine is that it makes you experience what you want to experience! Technically speaking, the effect of titanium is not strong enough to influence the bio-currents in our body. If it were, the results would be dangerous rather than any good. In fact, our body is subjected to more powerful currents in our daily life. Even a refrigerator magnet has more potential to generate powerful currents than a titanium necklace. However, none of us feel especially rejuvenated when we are near a refrigerator magnet! One good thing about Phiten necklaces is that they are absolutely safe. Because they do nothing, they also do no harm to your body. So, you can sure go ahead and flaunt them as a fashion accessory. If you expect therapeutic benefits from it, convince yourself that it is going to work for you.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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