pediatric pneumonia

Pediatric Pneumonia

For comprehensive information on pediatric pneumonia, the following article is a must read. Check out what causes pneumonia in children, and what medication is required for the same.

Pneumonia, an inflammatory condition of the lung, and can happen at any age. However, in children, the chances are comparatively more, since they are prone to impurities and bacteria, more than adults. The impurities and bacteria make their way to the lungs, and cause serious infection, followed by cough and cold, vomiting, high fever, and sore throat. Pediatric pneumonia is often caused by parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, and flu, which, if not diagnosed and treated on time, can even lead to death. The symptoms of pediatric pneumonia in children are often seen during winter and spring, and can hover around for more than a month. The following content efficiently explains the causes of this ailment, followed by its symptoms and treatment. Causes and Symptoms In children, any bacterial or viral infection can lead to pneumonia, since the immune system of children is weaker in comparison to that of adults. The body doesn't have enough immunity to fight against the harmful bacteria and virus, and hence, infection keeps on spreading in the body. Streptococcus pneumoniae is said to be the most common bacteria responsible for causing pneumonia in children under 5 years of age. However, on the other hand, Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria that affects children aged above 5 years. Other viruses may include RSV or Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and rhinovirus. Fungal infections, inhalation of harmful dust particles and poisonous gases, are other causes of pediatric pneumonia. Viral infection in children is often accompanied by a hike in temperature, along with cough and cold, which make up for the very first symptoms of pneumonia. This causes sleepiness, and a lost desire to eat or drink anything. Many kids tend to develop dehydration due to this fact, and become severely bed-ridden. Other symptoms of this type of pneumonia include cyanosis, which refers to a bluish discoloration on skin membranes that occurs due to the skin's inability to breathe. Along with it, severe vomiting due to the reason that children find it hard to keep the food down, is another symptom of pneumonia. The most important thing to be kept in mind during recurring vomiting is that the child should be kept away from spicy and junk food, and be fed vegetable soups and other soft liquids, that will alleviate the pain in the stomach. Treatment When it comes to taking treatment decisions in children in case of pneumonia, it is highly recommended the doctor assesses the clinical status and age of the patient, and the path of the infectious organism by which it entered the body. Pediatric health care professionals diagnose the symptoms of pneumonia in the patient, and clear the infiltration by medication and injections. As per extensive research with regards to this type of pneumonia, the symptoms must be totally resolved within 8 weeks of the treatment period. However, if they don't, the entire treatment should be reckoned from a different approach. Usually, the treatment for pediatric pneumonia is the consumption of antibiotics, and a healthy diet, mostly liquids. Note that, during the initial stage of pneumonia in toddlers, there is no need for strict medication, and the parent is required to feed the child with healthy foods and liquids, as pneumonia at this stage is known to get resolved on its own. For children above the age of 5, the physician may recommend some general breathing exercises so that fresh air taken in can fight against the harmful bacteria and viruses dwelling in the body of the patient. In many cases, doctor's medication is not required at all for the treatment of pediatric pneumonia, as bed-rest and healthy food intake is capable of treating pneumonia in children. However, given that the immune system of kids isn't that strong, it is highly recommended that a physician's recommendation be taken at the earliest.

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