paint colors for kitchens with maple cabinets

Paint Colors for Kitchens with Maple Cabinets

Matching wall colors with kitchen cabinets is essential in interior decorating. Here are some paint colors for kitchens with maple cabinets mentioned in the following article.

Maple kitchen cabinets are one of the most popularly used in many homes across the world because, they don't necessarily need to be painted. These cabinets have a basic wood color which is neutral, but there are light and dark variations in them. When you choose a color for kitchen cabinets, you also have to make sure that you coordinate the wall colors with it. As mentioned earlier, maple cabinets have a very neutral color, making it easy to choose dark as well as light paint colors for your kitchen. It is very important that you choose a contrast for these cabinets as shades that match the cabinets wouldn't look very attractive in the room. Kitchen Paint Colors for Light and Dark Maple Cabinets Maple cabinets come in light, medium and dark colors. The lighter range of maple lumber cabinets have colors such as; natural, pearl painted, blonde, wheat, corn, glazed, etc., that are simply varnished or sometimes painted. The darker shades include; coffee glaze, crimson, cranberry, clove, chocolate, etc. However, many prefer the natural color of these cabinets as it gives the liberty to paint the walls in any desired colors. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, you will read more about the paint colors for kitchens with maple cabinets that have both light and dark natural shades. Ivory The most common kitchen paint color to match cabinets that are light or dark, is ivory or white. This is because, when you mix the natural wood colors of these cabinets and the ivory of the walls, you can choose bright colors like yellow, green, blue, red, orange, purple, black, etc., for the appliances and accessories in the room. Both maple and ivory are neutral colors and thus make a perfect combination for the use of other colors in the kitchen. There are other shades of white such as beige, cream and off-white that can also be picked. Purple and Blue Even though the first paragraph speaks about combining ivory walls with light/dark cabinets, the colors purple and blue would be darker yet better picks for kitchen walls. Since contrast is the best option when it comes to choosing wall and cabinet colors, purple (the darker shade) and blue (dark, royal, sapphire and indigo) accentuates the light cabinets. These also give a very rich and royal ambiance to the room, thus making it look attractive without doing much. On the other hand, you can choose lighter shades like violet, light blue, turquoise, teal and aqua blue in case your cabinets are darker. Green and Yellow Now, these colors are on the lighter side of the spectrum, but there are darker shades available too. Thus, if you have light cabinets, dark shades of green (dark, emerald, royal) and yellow (mustard, golden, orange) can be used on the walls. These kitchen wall colors, will make the kitchen look sober and classy as they are colors of nature. They blend very well with the natural maple wood cabinets that are either blonde or wheat. Likewise, if you have darker cabinets such as; crimson or chocolate, light shades of green (olive and pear) and yellow (saffron, amber, lemon) are great picks to make the room bright and cheerful. Red and Pink Though pink is a shade of red, there are variations in pink as well. Let's start with using red as wall colors for kitchens. This is a great choice for dark walls with light cabinets, and you can choose from a range of shades. The darker shades of red are; cranberry, maroon, burgundy, cardinal, ruby, etc., and lighter shades include; crimson, Persian red, rust, etc. Even though you get a luxurious look with the color red, pink is a more popular wall color. Like red, there are dark shades of pink; dark pink, amaranth, cerise, rose, etc., and lighter shades; peach, baby pink, mauve, raspberry, etc. that can be used. You have a wide variety of paint colors to choose from. So, pick the right wall colors and make your kitchen look stunning.

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