nose ring infection

Nose Ring Infection

Redness and swelling around the nose piercing may be indicative of a nose ring infection. This article provides some information about such an infection and the ways to treat or prevent the same.

A nose ring infection could occur if one develops an allergic reaction to the piercing jewelry. Infection could also occur if one doesn't follow piercing after care instructions or if one did not seek the services of a professional for getting the piercing. It is of utmost importance that one ensures that the person handling the piercing uses sterile equipment and wears sterile gloves to do the piercing. Do not apply cosmetics near the pierced region for the first few days, because cosmetics may clog the pores and invite infections. Never touch the pierced area with unwashed hands. Symptoms Such an infection is characterized by a bump around the piercing, redness, and swelling. One may experience pain in and around the affected area. Pain could even be accompanied by a burning sensation. Yellow, green, or grayish pus may drain from the affected area. There may be bleeding. If one observes some other reactions, then immediately consult a dermatologist to get the problem diagnosed fast. Treatment On observation of any of the aforementioned symptoms, follow these tips.
  • Mix a quarter teaspoonful of sea salt with eight ounces of water. Dab with cotton balls soaked in the solution over the bump.
  • You can clean the affected area with an antibacterial soap and water. Put the antibacterial soap on the tip of a cotton swab and apply on the bump. After doing this, clean the bump and its surrounding area with lukewarm water.
  • Antibacterial creams such as bacitracin and neomycin can be used on the bump. These creams help to reduce the pain and swelling but it is always better to consult a physician before applying any of these creams.
  • Sometimes doctors prescribe oral antibiotics, depending upon the intensity of the infection. These antibiotics are given to kill the bacteria that are causing these infections. Antibiotics are prescribed for a period of three to five days.
  • Lavender oil can also be applied on the affected skin.
  • Tea-tree oil and alcohol can be used if prescribed by a doctor. However, they are to be used in moderation, as these oils can be harmful to the sensitive tissues surrounding the nose.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine in any form, as they may slow down the healing process. Follow a healthy diet to speed up the healing process.
Nose Piercing Jewelry Titanium jewelry is a good option for nose rings, as titanium is lightweight and porous. Tiny pores present in the metal allow body tissues to adjust easily. Gold jewelry can also be used for nose rings. At least seventy-five percent of gold must be present in the jewelry for this purpose. Gold-plated jewelry is not recommended for nose rings, because the gold coating is very thin and easily wears off. This can cause internal harm to the nose tissues. White gold jewelry is visually exquisite but should ensure that they not allergic to it before using it, as it contains nickel. Do not wear stainless steel or silver jewelry on the nose. The former is not so safe and can cause infections. The tarnished coating of the latter gets accumulated on the skin. The skin around the nose ring then becomes darker. Make sure to not wear a nose ring that is made from a metal that one is allergic to. If one is planning to get their nose pierced, seek the services of a piercing professional. Do follow the after care measures so as to prevent an infection. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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