mineral cosmetics

Mineral Cosmetics

Mineral cosmetics, as the name suggests, are the cosmetic products made from minerals that are mined from the womb of the earth. The natural glow, these products impart on the skin, make a scene stealer out of an ordinary looking person!

There are a number of dedicated mineral cosmetic products available world wide today, and all the products are made of the finest of minerals; sifted, processed, and pure! The foundation packs feel wonderful when flaunted, and cover blemishes in the most effective manner. Most of these cosmetics are recommended by dermatologists because they are proven hypo-allergenic. The concealer is perfect to cover acne, broken facial veins, and a bout of rosacea. The foundations and concealers contain natural SPF, and are available in shades to complement any skin tone. The product range includes mineral setting powders that are marketed in various shades, and the transparent powder makes the application even more flawless. The other products include, mineral blush, eyeshadow, lip liner, nail polishes, body shimmer, and the popular bronzers. They are designed to offer coverage and finesse, without the use of harmful chemicals and dyes. They are powders, without fillers. The powders are nothing but crushed minerals extracted from the Earth. The non-mineral cosmetic ranges, too, flaunt the presence of minerals, but the content is diluted with many added chemicals. It is important to check the label thoroughly before investing in any product. The natural cosmetics are always the most enhancing and beautifying. The easy-to-follow lineup of products -- the application of foundation, and the eye and lip color -- create charisma. They eliminate the feeling of having donned oily and heavy make up that usually comes with the application of traditional makeup. The mineral cosmetic products are versatile and long-lasting. The hues and textures of the products are created to suit women of all ages and with different skin types. It is very important that as a custodian of your physical and mental well-being, you should monitor the food ingested and the personal care products applied on the sensitive skin. The range of mineral cosmetics is completely natural, which leads to a healthier life and glowing skin. The pure inner beauty ultimately radiates via your skin. Common minerals used include, titanium dioxide, a naturally occurring mineral that works most effectively as a foundation. It is a great sun-shield, too. Mica is almost colorless and it adds volume and texture to the products. The iron oxides used in these products, add color to the makeup. They are nothing but natural salts oxidized through a natural water process. Sericite is a translucent mineral that provides a silky texture to any foundation, while ferric ferrocyanide is an organic pigment that gives the blue color to the mineral pigment. Ultramarine blue is another pigment-coloring agent. The cosmetic range available, comes with a brush that helps in the even application of the products. In the case of people with dry and flaky skin, the loose mineral foundation can also be effectively blended with a natural lotion. In case of a liquid liner, a thin brush is used for its application. The foundation products use mica, titanium dioxide, iron and zinc oxide, while the concealers are made from the same line of ingredients, plus sericite. The setting powders contain sericite, iron oxides, and Kaolin Clay. The blush has mica, iron oxides, and zinc oxides. The eyeshadow range contains mica, iron oxides, titanium dioxide, and sometimes ferric ferrocyanide. The lip gloss ingredients contain soy and candelilla wax, capryllic/capric triglyceride, and bee wax, besides the oils of hemp seed, castor, olive, and meadowfoam. The colors are contributed by ingredients, like, mica, iron oxide, and titanium dioxide. Mineral cosmetics have revolutionized the way women shop for makeup products, and have made them aware of what they are subjecting their skin to.

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