mediterranean style decorating

Mediterranean Style Decorating

Mediterranean style interior decoration derives its inspiration from the ethnic homes in the Mediterranean region of Europe. It has become a popular theme for modern homes. This article lists several interior decorating ideas for you to implement in your home.

Themed homes, although not a novelty anymore, are definitely one of the most popular interior designing concepts. Country and Mediterranean themes are particularly popular among folks who wish to give their homes a look different from typical modern homes. Mediterranean style interiors originated in the Mediterranean countries of Europe, namely Greece, Spain, and Italy. Today, this style of decorating is alternatively called Spanish country or Tuscan style decorating. The distinct features of this style include the use of bold and vibrant colors and wrought iron accents. Color Color is the most crucial aspect of interior decoration. In the Mediterranean theme, the color combinations are highly influenced by natural colors such as sky blue, and earthy shades like green and brown. Burnt orange is yet another popular color for walls as well floors. Bold, exotic colors make their presence felt everywhere in a true Mediterranean home. Bold colors can be used to complement each other or to create a contrasting effect. Orange is often used with bold shades of blue for wall paints. The walls are mostly textured to render an illusion of aging. Flooring Mosaic tiles are the preferred choice for flooring. You may also apply a mosaic pattern to terracotta or brick tiled floors. Brick red or burnt orange are popular colors for flooring. You may use inlay mosaic tiles for the walls in place of a base mold. Mosaic tiles are also used for kitchen backsplashes and in foyers and alcoves. Furniture and Accessories Heavy, hardwood furniture complete with a rustic look is a must-have in every Mediterranean home. Accent pieces in wrought iron are also used throughout the house. Oil paintings and old tapestries are hung in the living room for a dramatic effect. Heavy wrought iron grills and bars are mounted on walls to create an illusion of windows. Grills are also mounted along the sides of the door for a grand entrance. Earthenware like pots and large vases are indispensable accessories of any this theme. Wrought iron towel holders and candle holders are great to have in bathrooms. Fabric and Curtains Heavy fabric with bold patterns are mostly preferred for this theme. A great thing about the Mediterranean style is that the curtains need not match the rest of the décor. Hence, you have the liberty of choosing any color and pattern you want. Area rugs with colorful designs look great for this theme. Similarly, patchwork quilts are the perfect adornment for a Mediterranean bedroom. Brilliant gold and rich red colors are the most popular for throw pillows on the sofa in the living room. Patios and Decks Patios and decks are mostly closed to create an intimate and cozy ambiance. Large earthen pots containing Mediterranean herbs and flowers are placed in the garden. Rosemary and lavender are stored in containers to ensure a true Mediterranean fragrance. Potted plants are perfect for living rooms. Another important aspect of this style of decorating is that it follows a certain arrangement principle, like Feng Shui in the Oriental culture. Symmetry and closeness of space are the two important factors one must consider while arranging Mediterranean furniture. The whole idea is to create a warm and inviting place for conversation and family gatherings.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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