master numbers in numerology

Master Numbers in Numerology

The numbers 11, 22, 33, and 44 are the notable master numbers in numerology. This article provides brief information about numerology and the master numbers.

Today, numerology is associated with divination and occult. It was used by many mathematicians such as Pythagoras. However, most of the modern scientists consider it as psuedomathematics. Numerology as a whole is the study of numbers and their meaning. It helps in understanding your personality with the help of the numbers. Before delving into the master numbers in numerology, a general idea of this concept is given below. In 600 BC, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras developed his theory of numbers. He developed the Pythagorean conversion table where he assigned values 1 to 9 to each alphabet. 1 = AJS; 2 = BKT; 3 = CLU; 4 = DMV; 5 = ENW; 6 = FOX; 7 = GPY; 8 = HQZ; 9 = IR Using these values, you could find out the name and birth number. Certain characteristics and personality traits are associated with every numerical value that is derived by summing up the value of your full name. It takes into consideration the sum of the date of birth. Check out this example. Name given by the parents: Mary Smith. The corresponding value of the alphabets is given in the Pythagorean table. Name number: 4+1+9+7+1+4+9+2+8 = 45 Reduce the above value to a single digit by adding them, 4 + 5 = 9 DOB= 28-04-1968 Birth number: 2+8+0+4+1+9+6+8 = 38; 3 + 8 = 11. This is again reduced to a single digit, 1 + 1 = 2 The birth number is also known as the life path number. Each number is given a few personality traits. They are listed below. 1 - Creative, independent, egoistic, and self-centered 2 - Considerate, cooperative, and very sensitive 3 - Friendly, superficial, artistic, and sociable 4 - Practical, loyal, and rigid 5 - Enjoys freedom, travel, and is highly adaptable 6 - Responsible, understanding, jealous 7 - Spiritual, wise, and suppressive 8 - Management ability and unscrupulous 9 - Romantic, genius, and humanitarian Master Numbers in Numerology Most of the numbers are reduced to single digits or single vibrant numbers. However, there are four numbers that are known as the master numbers in numerology. These numbers are eleven (11), twenty-two (22), thirty-three (33), and forty-four (44). The four master numbers are highly vibrant compared to their single digit numbers. These numbers possess a strong vibration and emphasis on a greater learning and experience. According to the numerologists, the master numbers are very challenging and it takes time to integrate these vibrant numbers into one's personality traits. This is one reason why master numbers are known as late bloomers. For instance, the master number 11 when reduced gives you the value 2. Hence, all the characteristics and personality traits (strength and weakness) of number 2 are associated with the master number 11. This number is also known as the psychic number and it represents a highly sensitive and intuitive characteristic trait. Similarly, the master number 44 is considered to be an important number by the alchemists. It is believed that people who are born under this number have the ability to create magic around themselves and others. These people are visionaries and have a great desire for knowledge regarding the mysteries of life. Numerology is a vast topic. There are people who practice it as a part of their special interest. Those who practice it as a profession are called numerologists.

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