marriage compatibility test

Marriage Compatibility Test

Knowing your partner well before you marry does not necessarily ensure a happy married life. We, at Buzzle, urge you to take our short marriage compatibility test before you decide to get married or start living together.

#1. When it comes to finances, how does your attitude differ from your partner's?
  • A. I try to plan my finances and stick to a budget, but my spouse thinks it's fruitless.
  • B. I think more about today's needs, while my spouse is more concerned about the need to save for the future.
  • C. We are honest and transparent about all our assets and liabilities and make our financial decisions together.
  • D. We take care of our expenses separately.
#2. Do you disagree on having kids or starting a family?
  • A. We haven't discussed it.
  • B. None whatsoever.
  • C. One of us would prefer a bigger family, but we definitely want kids.
  • D. Whether to start a family is a point of contention.
#3. How do you like to spend your leisure time?
  • A. We have the same hobbies and interests.
  • B. We pursue our individual hobbies and interests separately.
  • C. We have a good balance of individual interests and shared hobbies.
  • D. We argue about what to do, and end up doing just nothing.
#4. What are your views on sharing the workload around the house?
  • A. Nah, it's just not my cup of tea.
  • B. I am willing to help as long as my partner takes the lion's share.
  • C. There should be a fair division of household chores.
  • D. Neither of us really seem to bother.
#5. Do you share the same religious views, is religion a sore spot for both of you?
  • A. We share our religious beliefs.
  • B. There have been a few clashes on the matter.
  • C. We have differing beliefs, but we make it work.
  • D. The less said about this, the better.
#6. When there is a big political dispute going on in your country, do you share the same political views?
  • A. We have diverse views and share no common ground.
  • B. We pretty much share the same views and agree on most issues.
  • C. We do not share all views and respect our disagreements.
  • D. We argue vociferously and try to convince each other of our view points.
#7. You decide to go on a romantic candle-lit dinner, how long does it take for you two to pick a place?
  • A. We take turns picking a place.
  • B. We don't like the same food so we order from different places.
  • C. We like the same places so we don't have any problem.
  • D. It takes a long time to agree on a single place.
#8. What sort of lifestyle are you aiming for? Do you share a common vision for the future?
  • A. We have planned out our future life to the smallest detail.
  • B. I don't think either of us has a vision for the future.
  • C. Not currently, but I'm sure my spouse will come around to my way of thinking.
  • D. Broadly, yes, but there's plenty of time to work out the details.
Your result will display here...
In the end, a compatibility test may give you a score, but it's just a number. A marriage is based on honesty and integrity, garnished with a dash of spice. It just doesn't end at a gala wedding, but goes a little further than that. After all, no marriage is perfect and every marriage has ups and downs.

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