making wind chimes

Making Your Own Wind Chimes

To build and design your own wind chimes, you will require the right set of tools and proper supplies. Read the Buzzle article to see how easy it is to assemble a melodious wind chime.

  • First, you will need 1 plastic can lid, 2 yards craft lace, 7 slotted round wooden clothespins, seven ½'' eye screws, pony beads, drill, curtain ring, hammer, nail, scissors, and craft foam.
  • First of all, you will drill a hole in the plastic lid. Keep the lid over the craft foam and trace it with a pencil.
  • Cut the foam with scissors, and use a hammer and nail to punch 7 different holes through the lid and foam.
  • Next you will drill holes in the clothespins as well. Make sure they are small holes or else the eye screws won't go all the way through.
  • Take the eye screws and insert them in the clothespins. With the craft lace, you will make a 4'' loop at the bottom, and tie a knot to secure it.
  • You will insert the loop in the middle hole of the lid, and the non-loop part will stay at the bottom of the lid.
  • Tie a knot in the bottom of the lid as well. For all 7 chimes, you will insert the lace in the same manner. For the bottom lace, you will place the pony beads.
  • Use colorful beads to make the chime look more attractive. At the end of the lace, secure it over the eye screw that is attached with the clothespins.
  • Take a curtain ring, secure the middle lace on it, and hang the chime in your porch or living room.

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